reads entire article about the idiocy of needlessly complex appliances that are inferior to the simple ones their makers claim they replace
recommends a needlessly complex appliance that is inferior to the simple one its makers claim it replaces
reads entire article about the idiocy of needlessly complex appliances that are inferior to the simple ones their makers claim they replace
recommends a needlessly complex appliance that is inferior to the simple one its makers claim it replaces
But did you see green shirt’s double knockdown at 0:12?
I gotta say, this was a nice little fight. The only guy that jumps in who wasn’t initially involved (green shirt holding cup) gets popped and put in his place. The only guy throwing a running cheap shot (orange shirt, long hair) gets sent to Jesus, and it would appear everyone else received an equal amount of blows…
I love this fight so much. Green Shirt and Orange Shirt are absolutely classic. Grey&Blue came to THROW DOWN. I bet G&B calls GS a pussy 450x over the course of the next three years.
Well, ok, but if I get rid of my single serve coffee machine I’m going to need to find another physical manifestation for my crippling loneliness.
Other team can’t score if you murder all their batters
I’m not sure whether you are agreeing with me or disagreeing with me.
Ugh. I respect the game, but this one just didn’t land for me.
I guess they’ll just have to settle for that bum Scherzer.
But isn’t that the goal? Obama himself refused to wear a flag on his lapel until it was hurting him politically as he ran for president. He also struggled to say we “were the best”. I’m not saying America is perfect or he should be jabbed for not saying it, but I do think that there is a fair amount of patriotism on…
If anything the Bills should have been penalized five yards for being too slow.
When a government spokesperson calls for you to be fired for your free speech it is a fucking First Amendment issue.
But it’s a dry sauna.
Where I live (Upper Midwest), I would grade the seasons thusly:
It’s sunny and 70 degrees in the Philadelphia area today, with puffy clouds. That’s warm enough, beach-going assholes of the world! I am under no pressure to pack up 7 million different items and two children into a bag and drive to 70-degree water to be able to enjoy the day, because the air is 70 degrees. It’s…
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More like “Dick ‘n Ball State” amirite?!?!?