World's Okayest Firefighter

I looked and she isn’t here. I’m concerned. :-( Jalopnik, please send Patrick George over in a Ford GT to $kay’s garage. Jalopnik wouldn’t be the same without her.

I feel like if you stumble across a CotD thread that has no comments, and you’re not $kay, you should (out of respect for all of Jalopnik) just STFU until she’s had a chance to post.

Well, he wanted to schwinn really badly. He cannon be dalenied.

+1 Kinja

More Surly than Huffy

Up front, I’m not down playing what this guy did. But I do have a beef with the headline. Nothing shown in the video was too over the top. I grew up off roading, my dad has been a member in a 4x4 club since 1969, nothing like current off road stuff (not rock climbing, etc), more of the easier trail rides with lightly

How do I even know this is real? Thanks to the Blackbird, for all I know this could still be a Jeep chassis with a CGI Subaru Legacy image pasted over it in editing.

You have got some tall-ass claims there.

“Nice Spider...”

Nobody likes you, Eric Trump.

A wife finding you humping a mistress on an exotic boat.

A wife on an exotic boat.

What’s more financially draining than boat ownership? Exotic boat ownership.

Now playing

Seriously. Do NOT screw up a great ending, and for the love of God, let the man and the character he was known for just rest in peace.

The only way this would ever be acceptable is using old stock footage during a heart felt flash back scene. Which I am ok with... even if they CGI it up to add some more content. But in order for it to be respectful, it really needs to be a flashback.

I think the only way I’d be okay with this is if it was a long shot of Brian playing with his kids or walking down the street, just as a sort of cameo as the rest of the crew drives by (or something.) A quick enough shot to show that, yes, he is still alive in this universe but not part of the scene anymore. Anything

Congratulations, Mr. ovjho, on COTD! I would like to gift you with a Saleen S7 which this lovely lady will deliver if Kinja will let me post an image.

It wasn’t an intentional act, it was a mistake. You shouldn’t berate your elders for mistakes.

When the language one uses toward their parent is more important than the safety and well-being of the child... SMH.

It’s a simple mistake and his mom’s insurance will take care of it if she can’t pay for the damage out of pocket, if I had spoken to my mom this way she would have put a .357 mag into my gut...