World's Okayest Firefighter

Except for this guy; who experienced a world of oversteer.


And next you will tell me that I can’t fix everything with a hammer

Could have been a spec miata gaining that fast, many cars can. Driving the ring slow is just as dangerous as driving it faster than your abilities. You’re accountable for being out of the way of faster traffic at the Ring. If you can’t handle that, you should not be there.

Stick to golf. You are as wrong as wrong gets

Until you get hit for $10,000 from the rental company after they feed you BS about specially-made tires that they have to order from space.


Gutting’em is the only way a C4 thru C6 Corvette actually looks attractive ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

As an American, I hardly see what was in need of defense here.

That's about an hour from my house. I'll pick anyone up at the airport if you let me drive it for a bit.

For $6k less you could have this 1994 Acura NSX with 42k, drive it lightly for a decade and sell for a profit. You don’t even have to import it, just buy a one way ticket to Ohio and drive it back home

That commercial pretty much made me buy a 300ZXTT back in ‘99, a lovingly preserved ‘90 with only 17k on the clock from the original owner. I sold it a couple years later due to lack of garage space and still kick myself today...

/buying it before the seller reads this goddamn article

The first of many more videos to come ....

I thought they solved the problem of people watching Top Gear illegally by firing Clarkson and hiring Chris Evans.

I am not an engineer, but I have those cool blue & white striped overalls they wear. Choo choo, motherf*****!

I am also an Engineer and i agree with this statement

Dear Will_I_Am,

These are pulse-jets, not turbines.

See, this shit right here? THIS ruins childhoods.