Midlife Miata Driver

Heck, imagine being so unlikable that people who work for Donald J. Motherfucking Trump are like “wow.”

That really is saying something ...

I want to feel sympathy for these people. I want to be a good person and look past our differences, acknowledging that everyone has different tastes and that’s okay. But...

lmao thins might be the dumbest comment of the year on here.  CT’s have become a MAGA symbol

Really most shitty old trucks fit the bill. Of course there’s some nice newer trucks that have the stickers, but I’m thinking of the ones that distinctively make me think “my man, maybe if you spent a little less on stickers and flags and painting your garage door (with the 2020 still sorta visible under the 2024) you

Trump fans HATE Teslas.

Something built to look capable, but without the engineering to back it up. Claims to be all American, but is fully built elsewhere. Materials may look nice at a distance, but up close they’re cheap and tacky. Costs way more than it should.

First Gear: Automakers gonna get what they deserve. And you know what?

I’d like to see some commentary about how during his prior term Trump blew his own whistle long and hard about his triumphant “BETTER THAN NAFTA” (but basically the same as NAFTA) negotiation, and how now his first major promise is to gut it entirely.

Pulls the DUI list (from 2022)...

Car? Any Challenger/Charger.


Elon is reminding me of Henry Ford. When I first learned about Henry, he was an amazing innovator who created the assembly line and paid his working a high wage. Way to go Henry! Then I found out he thought the Nazis were on the right track with fascism. And that he published and distributed worldwide an astonishingly

I’m just hoping that the horrors that they have planned are muted by what is sure to be incompetence and infighting at every level. 

the next 4 years will be awesome, I can already tell!

Wait, you’re telling me that making expensive products for eco-minded people, and then making an abrupt Red Hat turn might... alienate the people who buy your products?  

First Gear: I’m going to love the look on Elmo’s face when Trump does the opposite of whatever he promised to do to enrich him.

What about retirees hopping into a 60,000lb RV coach with zero training?

Can we all get on the same page that drivers should have some large truck training before being allowed to rent a full-size box truck? These things take significantly more effort, attention, and anticipation to drive than passenger vehicles and it blows my mind that some random average (moron) driver can hop from

Showing up to vote for the man you hope will pardon you, in the car you were ordered to turn over...