
somehow when Carrie Underwood sings "My Favorite Things" it somehow ends up sounding like "Things That Piss Me Off."

@Tomisright— In both your examples self-defense can be claimed. Moreover, apparently Stand Your Ground is not evenly applied, as the case of Marissa Alexander demonstrates: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/05/19/mar… She was confronted with an abusive ex— a man with a documented history of violence— who refused to

I'm glad she said it, though, because now we know. Better that these sorts of bigots out themselves so we can root them out of the system, rather than let their biases ruin countless lives.

You are drawing a conclusion from practices that are now a sad part of the dark history of medicine in America. No one in recent memory has been butchered for parts. This sort of misinformation only contributes to the already existing shortage of donor organs in this country. The sad fact is that thousands of people

Can you provide a source for this? I don't believe that people are being put down to provide donor organs, and this sort of misinformation contributes to the scarcity of donor organs available for people who are sick and truly in need. Thousands of people die in the U.S. each year waiting for donor organs while

This is a heartbreaking story, but the sad fact is that thousands of people (including children) die every year waiting for donor organs. The rules currently in place might not be perfect, but it's the fairest way possible to allocate the limited number of donor organs available. If you really care about making some

I don't think it's unreasonable that someone responsible for such egregious legislation should be forced to confront one of the people who will be most affected by it. The reason that this legislation got this far in the first place is that the people who authored it were able to ignore the fact that this will have a

how do you know that? I see no indication of that in the article. Why are you so absolutely certain?

Passing through the birth canal squeezes amniotic fluid out of the babies lungs, so a vaginal birth decreases neonatal risk of respiratory distress. Also, c-sections are major abdominal surgery and that has many attendant risks, including all the attendant risks of anesthesia, infection, scarring, hemorrhage,

there are tons of risk for both moms and babies with c-section. As another commenter pointed out, it's major abdominal surgery, which entails great risk including infection, hemorrhage, sterility and death. There is also increased risk to the infant, including accidentally cutting the baby, respiratory distress and

She had a c-section birth in 2010. She is pregnant again and being pressed into having a second c-section.

As an immune-compromised person, I'm more than mildly appalled and disgusted at the number of people who proudly proclaim that they don't wash their hands and never get sick. I have news for you, piss-handed people— hand washing isn't just for you, it's a matter of public health. When you don't wash your hands after

My son was an exhausting toddler— he denied having a poopie diaper even when it was apparent to everyone that he indeed did have a poopie diaper. When it was time to change the diaper, it involved me pinning down his arms and legs just to keep him from shoving his hands into his diaper and smearing it on everything

of course he has the right to do with his money what he will, but gay people and allies also have the right to say that they will not give him their money to contribute to hateful causes. & Cathy isn't just giving money to groups that are opposed to gay marriage, he also contributes to groups who are lobbying to make

the last time I checked, Nicole_betty, it takes a man and a woman to make a baby. The fact that women bear the brunt of the responsibility for not getting pregnant is a flawed social construct. Men also know what the consequences of sex can be and there is no excuse for not stepping up to that responsibility.

well, it would be nice if states would track down deadbeat parents and make them pay child support but most states don't. & on top of that, if they aren't working there's no money to make them pay. Even when they are tracked down and mandated to pay, the state mandated minimums are often inadequate. It's a broken

What's your question, For Sweden. Child support would be great if guys would pay what they owe, but as the above article stated, 41% of them don't.