The Body Snatcher

Ohoh so you want the families to Suffer the indignations  of their distant relatives who they have nothing to do with ? Ruin some more lives with your bullshit? Go suck a dick

Your pathetic. White guilt makes you stupid . You nor I had not a goddamn thing to do with something  that happened hundreds of years ago . You sir are a pussy

Who is “we”? Because your a cowardly piece of shit. I , am not. Faggot

Shut the fuck up you bitch

What’s bad is these whining fuckn traitors.  Calling the national anthem racist what the fuck is that ?  This shit is out-of-control . Stand up you fucking ungrateful piece of shit

II know what to call you , Of fat disgusting nothing who knows jack shit about sports

 Your white guilt is sickening it’s incredibly fucking weak trait

OrWill you shut the fuck up with this papa John asshole ? Waaah  he said something racist oh my fucking God the worlds going to end !  People are assholes get over it .  Being a fucking whining complaining cunt   Isn’t helping I hope someone puts anthrax on your fucking pizza 

 What the fuck you mean of course ?  Why do all your writers write in the style of men who get fucked up their asses for good time .  LeBron likes playing with Him. What are you a fucking 45-year-old millennial kill yourself please

That’s because you want it to be true because your a miserable c.unt

What kind of foul ass race hustling bitch are you? Trying to ruin a kids life . I hope you get fuckn brain tumor . How do you know it wasn’t a mistake and fuck her roommate too this shit is way out of hand