
Everyone is blowing this is off as some weird fetish-y thing and missing Mark's larger point: this is becoming normal. Let me repeat that again: hardcore, extreme and often dangerous sexual acts, overwhelmingly involving women, are becoming more and more normalized. Things that should be seasoned fetishes and

I put my foot down and said that I would either wear an awesome, non-diamond engagement ring every day, OR an unobtrusive band with which I could pair other rings, but I was not willing to have a monstrous, two-ring blob on my left hand, rendering my large and glorious collection of cheap street market rings useless.

These are women who opted out of a quarter of a mil to half a mil jobs, not like most women who choose to stay home because making 30,000 or under a year won't cover the costs of daycare for multiple children. It isn't comparable. And it seems to insult the intelligence of those women who choose to stay home.