
Let there be Lite.

Why don’t teams just punt right away when they start with the ball so the other team has to go farther?

Yep, standing on the corner drinking “tall cans” watching others break the law and put citizens in danger sounds like a very “urban” thing to do.

This has been going for years in Baltimore and Philly. Connecting it to Freddie Gray is stupid both for the subjects of the article and the author. Also, it is far from a benign activity. They most certainly do not use hand signals (at least in my experience). It’s usually a 14 year old helmetless kid doing a 50 mph

I don’t know this guy from anybody, but I find the joke idea to be perfectly plausible. The kid is from Salem, NJ. While it doesn’t strike me as terribly implausible that the dude might have racial biases, I somehow doubt that the flags of the Confederacy are especially dear to him. It seems more plausible that he

“I am Legend.”