
Let me guess, Lester and Cubs pitching coach Bosio are going to accuse the entire Pirates line-up of “juicing” (see Eric Thames incident).

Bingo...over the last 5-6 series and now with the GT the “guys” mostly play exaggerated versions of themselves. Its very obvious and not all that entertaining. Their pre-GT promotional interviews are far more entertaining and natural than almost every segment in recent memory.

Zaphod Beeblebrox?

How about having assigned over-head bins. If you can’t get your shit in your bin, you have to deal with it?

Maybe people don’t like him but no one watches or turns off a a game because of the announcers. The ratings suck because the product sucks.

The best way for me to sum-up why I stopped watching football is basically because the NFL is dirty. Everything they do, everything they touch, becomes tainted by their greed and disregard for player safety. To spend +3 hours watching a game filled with commercials, inconsistent rules, poor play, and human suffering

Let me set the record straight: