
So they were hired to do a job that they then refused to do because some black women said something they disagreed with? Sounds like what they do on their day job, too.

JFC the man was told by someone and he literally said

I actually saw someone leave this comment: “Joe only cared about football. It wasn’t that he hated these kids or wanted to see them hurt, but you have to understand...his life was football. He was a good guy but nothing got in the way of his ambition. That’s what made him a legend.”

The willingness of people to cover up child rape to protect a corrupt organization will never cease to astound me. I will never understand how people can justify this in their minds.

They look like whiny babies.

So people who disagree with police brutality do not deserve police protection? Way to demonstrate that “few bad apples" theory.

For fucks sake. I am trying very hard to relate to law enforcement perspective, but I am quite tired of being told to think about how their families feel not knowing if their loved ones will come back after work, and the stress that creates. It amazes me that they demand this while failing to understand how black

The shirt even had the Dallas PD emblem in support of them and the players talked about how good the Dallas PD was, and those four assholes were still so emotionally traumatized they walked off and made snarky comments later?

Who you callin’ a bitch?

Ouch. Latifah’s taxi comment brings back memories of the 1st time a pair of black co-workers asked me to hail a cab for them (90s). Initially I was all, “Naww, really? Why?? Like, sure, if you need me... But, for real?”