Middle East Guy

768GB SSD? That's pretty ridiculous. Everyone get the configuration that has 128 GB SSD as that's more then you'll need for your operating system and favorite programs... everything else that needs to be stored you can save in a portable 1TB hard drive which will cost you much much less

it will have both, as intel 4000 is built into the cpu. Have a family member who bought a lenovo last year, and one of its features was that you could switch on the nvidia for when you needed heavy duty gaming, and could switch it off to save battery life with the integrated HD. This new mac book will probably do that

I recently built a computer, and before I installed my graphic card I thought I'd give intel integrated 4000 a brief test. I was pleased at how well it performed, as it was playing pychonauts on normal settings, and was even able to run diablo 3. So you should be fine unless you're the type that likes to play the

A billionaire who made his money on hats

Yep I made the same comment before reading yours. Rumor has it the creator of VF also liked Itagaki's work and was inspired to add El Blaze after he saw DoA's luchadora Lisa. Adding to that with the release of VF5 FS, perhaps the team also created Jean as a tongue in cheek reference to Ein (Both are brainwashed

Its a very deep technical fighter which is why it's still played in Japan. Though I understand what you're saying, as the most numerous complaint about VF is that it is boring to watch.

It's actually well known that Itagaki has a huge amount of respect for Virtua Fighter. Its just tekken that he hated.

hmm should have read the comments. Seems I get the others so yay!

Darn I already paid for it when it was first announced, so I only get Bastion and miss out on Braid/super meat boy.

Right I noticed that as well. Madoka was hardly violent, with even that 'famous death' scene being all shadowed and without blood

Noodle People is what we like to call them

For me personally this show was terrible, and I only watched it for the silly ultra violence. But hey if the reviewer likes it then he'll be way more impressed when he actually watches something good.

I wouldn't know how it applies to the xbox console, but in my own experience on ps3 you can disconnect your internet and load up the game just fine... it will inform you that it can't find the server but the game WILL continue to allow you playing offline.

Sorry but that is incorrect. You can play dark souls and demon souls offline if you wish. The game just auto saves every few minutes, but that feature is available both online and offline

Indeed. I've even explained this whole fiasco of legal problems and shady dealings to some college kids in chicago... and you know how they answered?

Because being a douche is asking people to at least practice for a few minutes before complaining that games are too hard?

I don't want to appear as a snob elitist, but when I read the line "I know people who can't do fireballs and uppercuts, that's a very sort of fundamental thing that shouldn't be a barrier" made me roll my eyes. It takes 10 minutes of practice to figure out how to do a qcf + button attack... I guess people just want to

there are actually a number of stores that sell COD. Most of the people I know didn't care that you were playing american marines gunning down middle eastern terrorists

its not just you, the original was better in my opinion

I'd just like to point out to you guys that as an Arab this is the kind of stuff I live with all the time here in the USA. If I were a rich man who just donated a hospital it would not matter, as the media is more interested in reporting about terrorism and how all Arabs are vile and evil.