Middle East Guy

nope I'm there with you. I like sand box games but mine craft just doesn't appeal to me.

Yeah as cool as it is to fight Ryu, why bother when you can just watch it on youtube? also I was a bit disappointed with this, as the animations when you fight the final boss in the dlc is much much much more awesomly animated

my bad then

And after that law suit I can start suing activision then for the portrayal of the middle east.

there was the game breath of fire 5, which the more you used 'spells' the more you slowly lost your humanity. Get the meter all the way to the top and then game over

What I said was actually a reference to the anime and not really a question

Was playing portal a while ago back on the xbox when my girlfriend wanted to play. Immediately I could tell this was going to become a problem when I noticed she kept swinging the camera widly, would look straight up or straight down while moving forward, and was just generally messing up. Non video gamers usually

but then you will start to wonder 'which side do you eat it from?'

Why do they call it the Xbox 360?

ohhhhhhhhhh snap

"something deep enough for the serious fighting game aficionado"

The people who work for Kotaku probably really like this image, because they have the same level of skill in fighting games as those kids pictured.

Nicely said, as currently at my work I've met/worked with two different project managers: one is good because he actively stays on top of things, meets with team members all the time, and motivates people to get the job done. The other just likes to make charts with microsoft projects, and usually does not get

>A thousand quests, each broken down so specifically that I never had to think about what I was doing. Just follow the instructions, the quest marker to the latest inane chore that I had difficulty pulling myself away from for some reason.

Same as the poster above me: I like all your suggestions, with the exception of Guilty Crown. For a man of refined taste such as yourself, I'm surprised you would put that convoluted show in there.

also I just got the pun: the way they say ultra is Ulo-tora

on one hand part of me says this is an incredibly stupid commercial, which almost has nothing to do with the product they are selling

you're really not helping the navy here in sympathy points.

the falcon guide is pretty popular for building a pc

probably won't happen as the commercial for the dlc have large captations of now purchase the _true_ ending.