Middle East Guy

yeah its really terrible. I don't want to give spoilers so I'll try to keep it as vague as possible: Imagine playing a game and then beating the boss, but then the boss shows his final form. So you're ready to fight that when CUT the credits come up. Now you have to buy the dlc to continue. Its that dirty. Ueziel is

well said. Just watch it on youtube instead of falling for this cash grab

And I'd say its all just you as well since you can't see how this is such an obvious grab for cash. They intentionally make the secret ending end on a cliff hanger so that you're shocked and have to consider buying the dlc to compltete the story, But I'm going to just watch it on youtube

I'm just setting you up for the really shitty ending.

sorry but I'm going to have to disagree with you, as I just beat the game yesterday. The first ending is anything but an ending. Having Asura reunite with his daughter, and then CUT TO CREDITS is not satisfactory in the least.

Now playing

Archanum was another great example of playing a stupid character.

The author of Battle Royal is supposedly a big stephen king fan, and was inspired by the long walk.

you get so used to seeing the 'barbie' doll faces of DoA for so long that these new improved graphics just seem foreign to you

Amazing chest ahead

what about her personality? She's the very tomboy type, with a stubborn streak in her.

I actually didn't like that one as much, because while its a heart felt message, I couldn't get over how spoiled the daughter was. I kept thinking 'geez what a brat'

Somehow I just know you're referencing THAT comic with iron man, spidey and wolverine

to be fair look at american's reaction any time someone burns the american flag... a large number of americans seem to get incredibly butt hurt over those images

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that video was small time. The most success I've had in making people cry is with the infamous 'thai insurance commercials'

still has one of the best intro's to a game ever. The music and the narration is what really makes it so memorable

Blue tooth at the time was very popular, as young people would send flirty images to each other, like hearts and such.

They're actually Niqabs so maybe he should fix that too.

Too hype for evo :p

>but expected another rehash of the old familiar formula. You know, what we've gotten with ever DoA game since the first one. This, however, is something different. The models have changed. The animations have changed

No one's said it, so I thought I'd point out that the graphic style looks similar to the art style of Akatsuki Blitzkampf, with a bit of JoJo's bizarre adventure thrown in there for the character's win poses and art.