
The Spanos family deserve every bad thing that happens to them. Sadly the embarrassment of having the Steelers and their fans take over their second rate soccer stadium is something that won’t even register on the Spanos radar. He is willing to be Kroneke’s bitch in the new stadium. I hope Kroneke fucks him like he

My interest in the NFL vanished the moment they left San Diego.  Like my interest in MLB volatilized when they took my Expos.

Kind of unprofessional not to do it first thing in the morning, and instead wait until he was two hours into eating tape.

That’s too far. You need to live far enough away that they have to call before coming, but close enough that they don’t spend the night.

My MIL does a lot for us, but only for the validation. Whether or not we actually want, need, or can afford to keep her contributions is irrelevant and we’re selfish to keep bringing it up.

I’m a Chargers fan, and let's just say my fandom of football went down several stories and then some when my favorite player since childhood, the one who I had posters and jerseys of, killed himself.

I have been saying this since Nov. 9, 2016. The daily disaster/malapropism/cruelty just continues to reinforce the validity of this theory for me.

I’ve never before seen someone slam-dunk a soul.

Yeah nope they could hit Harden over the head with a steel chair and I wouldn’t give a fuck

My dad was the same way and as a result I grew up not understanding why people liked to eat steak or roast beef or hamburgers to me none of these things had any taste were really dry and took forever to chew and swallow my mom may or may not have been a good cook we’ll never know because my dad asked her to burn

Dean Spanos, in the four-five years of sabre-rattling he did prior to the move, when he couldn’t extort enough money from San Diego’s citizenry to his liking, when it appeared that he would have to pay for his own damn stadium, would try to move the goalposts, and state that a move to his proposed Carson location was

I’ve posted on this before, but for the last three or four years when the Chargers were on life-support in San Diego, with the rumour/threat of a move to L.A. hanging over their heads, San Diego media types and talking heads trekked to L.A. and did walkabouts on the streets asking passersby how they felt about a

In hindsight, which was actually even foresight at the time, it probably would have been better for all involved if the Raiders had been the AFC team to move to LA and the Chargers had gone to Vegas. Or if everyone had just stayed where they were actually wanted, but then they wouldn’t have been able to extort

“Football Clippers” is money which is reinforced by the ticker at the bottom of the screen saying “DEN vs LAC” and I think ‘why the fuck are the Broncos playing the Clippers’?.

SD Native/Former LA resident and I concur.

Hell on the seasons where the Bruins have a good one, they’d finish fourth... Well, unless we’re considering The Times coverage (Plaschke can eat a bag of dicks)... Or if Zlatan does something interesting, fifth or sixth. Changing demographics and all....

I’ll take the bait, sure they got fucking railed, but who doesn’t get railed against Clemson? The played almost the exact same schedule as Clemson. Best team Clemson played this year? NC State. Or I guess Syracuse. But ND also played Syracuse. I get that people hate Notre Dame, but who was more deserving than they

I've been a huge Sproles fan since his Chargers days (back before they were dead to me) and I've always rooted for him since. The guy just takes the concept of a security blanket/checkdown and turns it into a potential lotto ticket on every touch. 

1. Soccer

I know, anytime Ball was on Harden, he literally put his hands behind his back. Sure, it was to prevent against flailing, but it also feels like some kind performance art commentary on Harden’s antics in general.

Harden drew a 3 point foul on Hart shortly after the brawl. Hart was trying to slide over a pick and was carefully holding his hands back while Harden leapt into him. I truly don’t understand why it’s so hard for refs to make a no call if the offensive player clearly makes an unnatural sideways jump to draw contact.