
I don’t think Michael Caine’s statements were outrageous. Lee Daniels has also publicly stated that the work has to be there. It’s a similar debate to voting for/requiring mandates on business boards or in parliaments of women simply because they are women. In actuality, there is a huge problem with minority

I don’t believe it’s racist to simply choose the best performances from the past year. People should be awarded for their talent and hard work, the colour of your skin should not be a reason to receive recognition. If there was an actor of colour that was worthy of a nomination from 2015 I highly doubt the Academy

That Oscar Isaac, though...

I think with siblings “I want that thing and you are holding it and not giving it to me” overrides all gender boundaries.

I think that the backlash against Patricia was a bit ridiculous, but I appreciate that she clarified her statements and learned something in the process. I actually missed a lot of this controversy because I was healing from surgery at the time.

What really needs to change is shitting on people with good intentions and start shitting on people who actually deserve it.

I tried to watch the Murray Xmas special. Threw in the towel about halfway through. But what is the point of this article? Because you could write all day long about big names who are creeps in private. I think the writer is newsjacking for eyeballs.

Yeah that got swept under the carpet right quick.

Eh, I didn’t really like when she called Miley a “bitch” and threatened her on the VMA’s.

Uh. No. Any copyright the creator had has long since passed.

Edmonton Edmonds?

There are people who place their names on a list to foster-to-adopt with state agencies. They can specify their preference of the age/gender of the child or baby they would like to have.

Most American Jews aren’t like this, but thanks :/

Rich old white men have ruled the world for all eternity, I get where the hate comes from, I get it. But saying shit like any white man can just jump into Hollywood because of their skin color is the same exact thing as saying something like any black man can become a professional basketball player. Is it the most

I’ve never seen the show and know very little about it, but my take-away was Matt Damon wants to keep Affirmative Action out of his show, essentially. I agree with him.

I’ll agree with Matt Damon. You want the best director for the job.

The whole point of acting is to pretend to be someone else.

I work in fashion over here in Europe and it’s amusing whenever some (usually white) american screams “Colonialism!” about anything in fashion. How about you actually ask people from the cultures design ideas have been inspired by or used from? You will realize very quickly that the general opinion is that it’s a big

I know you care about these tits but what about endangered boobies?