Ah, well that sucks. You could at least wait on the GPU upgrade for right now since ray tracing is still in the gimmick phase of implementation. On top of that the rumored price for PS5 is $700 USD. I imagine that’d be much more for you.
Ah, well that sucks. You could at least wait on the GPU upgrade for right now since ray tracing is still in the gimmick phase of implementation. On top of that the rumored price for PS5 is $700 USD. I imagine that’d be much more for you.
I just upgraded over that hump myself. R5 3600, MSI Tomahawk b450 Max, and 16gb of ddr4 from an i5-4690k. It was about $350. Not to mention the XBL/PS+ cost, it’s definitely cheaper than a console.
What I want, which I know won’t happen, is an option to play in 1080p/60fps locked instead of 4k. I don’t really want to upgrade my TV and would rather have more frames than higher resolution.
So stop giving them money?
What? I use a controller on my PC with 1440p/144fps. Can’t do that on any TV or console. Just because a game is better suited for a controller doesn’t make it a better experience on console.
Just curious, why buy an XSX over upgrading your PC? Games pass is available on PC as well. MS has been moving a lot of their exclusives to PC, so I see no reason to buy one, but will certainly get a PS5 eventually.
I just have my BLM at 66 (still haven’t hit Heavensward) and started a ACN that I have at 18 or so. I suppose BLU wouldn’t be too hard to start though.
Ah, I missed the core point of your post. I’m only partially WFH, cause healthcare, but that’s a pretty good idea.
Yeah, I have a group of friends I play with who’ve been playing for awhile. They’re the only reason I’m still going.
I thought Aurum Vale was the fastest farm. Balance all the cut-scenes with the chance of getting an awful group and maybe they come out the same.
I’m slogging through that content right now. There’s so much fluff there it’s insane. There’s a lot of plot too, but goddamn going halfway across the map just to talk to some one a million times.
GoG Galaxy 2.0 allows you to import your game lists from every launcher that I’ve tried. The only one I haven’t tried is EGS because I don’t have it.
I absolutely loved Odyssey. I went back to play the AC3 remaster that came with the season pass, and yikes. I know AC3 was never loved, but the combat, the movement, all crap.
FFXIV is $36 on the Square Enix site right now.
FFXIV is $36 on the Square Enix site right now.
Great album. Been listening on repeat since it dropped.
Currently trying to get stuff done at work so I can get home to my sick wife and toddler (strep and ear infection). Would rather be hunting more monsters or tracking down Keener, but so it goes.
I think this is less a poor launch and more simply a poor game. In eras past, this game would have been forgotten in weeks. Now, with the ability to update and change games, it may be salvageable.
Kind of. Everyone in the comments is comparing TPS and FPS games, which are going to have very different feel to them.
But it might have Bulletstorm gunplay, which is fine.