There are a lot of straight ahead rock bands out there today, you just gotta go look for em. The biggest is probably Greta Van Fleet atm. SVVAMP is great, Graveyard, The Sheepdogs, Kadavar, Radio Moscow are all good as well.
There are a lot of straight ahead rock bands out there today, you just gotta go look for em. The biggest is probably Greta Van Fleet atm. SVVAMP is great, Graveyard, The Sheepdogs, Kadavar, Radio Moscow are all good as well.
I’ve got a 4690k with Hyper 212 that idles in the 50s. I haven’t OC’d the CPU yet, but MHW might force me to do that whenever I pick it up. I’m going to wait for the technical issues to be fixed and reevaluate then. The only reason I haven’t OC’d is that I haven’t done it before and it scares me a little bit. Do…
I dumped a few hundred hours in when it came out, and havent touched it in a few months. My friends lost interest, and Champion and above is cancer with PUGs.
And thus, the waiting continues. I’ll pick it up when all this is fixed. Or, if it’s not, just pass on it. I’m not re-upping PS+ for one game.
This pleases me. Thanks for the news Jason! I’ve got a baby due in December, I have to try and hold off on a new playthrough until then; I’m trying to play single-player games for awhile after that so I can drop what I’m doing if needed without screwing over a multiplayer game.
If you’re playing FPS, monitor and mouse. You can get a 120hz/1080p monitor for cheap-ish. Mouse, for the reasons Paul stated above, as well as on-the-fly DPI swapping for sniping. Everything else is just gravy on potatoes.
The Noctuas are supposed to be better than the Hyper 212, but I’ve never tried it. The brown is a huge turnoff for me; and I haven’t had any temp issues to warrant replacing my 212.
A lot of good points here. Negative pressure in the case also makes for a less dusty case.
Hyper 212 CPU cooler with 2 140mm Corsair intakes on the front, 3 120mm Corsair exhausts on top and back. My 4690k usually sits around 60-75 at load. I need to OC it before MHW methinks.
I think the saddest road in the country has to be I-90. On I-79 in PA, there’s a sign for it that reads “I-90N Buffalo, I-90S Cleveland”. I’d rather keep driving straight into Lake Erie.
I’ll probably wait for a sale myself. Not for any other reason than I’ve never played MH before and don’t wanna drop a chunk on a game I might not like. Also because there are so many other games coming out not too long after it.
Yeah, I doubt Lays is better than Utz’s old bay chips. Gimme dem pickle chips, pizza, cajun and queso though.
Assuming the “servers” at McD’s are still getting paid over minimum wage, they’d be crazy to expect a tip.
Hmm. Maybe. I think the focus on abilities greatly depends on your build. If you’re running anything but reclaimer or tac, it’s mostly gunplay. In the DZ abilities are even more narrow with conceal and immunizer being kings. I like how flexible TD is. No classes, just gear sets that you can re-roll and optimize as…
I mean takeout from a sit down restaurant, not fast food. At those types of places it’s usually a designated waiter, bartender, or host who handles expo’ing the takeout orders. Those people are also usually underpaid, so if the order takes more than 10 seconds to check the food and make sure it’s right, or it’s done…
Just do what I do; as soon as the cashier starts to retrieve your change, sprint out of the store. Saves you from carrying change and embarrassment.
Nah, I’m right there with you. I don’t tip in situations like this and I tend not tip for take out unless it’s a big or involved order.
I’m confused as to why you’re referencing ME. It plays more like TPS Destiny: NYC.
The mountains of bodies in DZ09 didn’t make you gag just a little? I haven’t seen much from TD2 that suggests it’s going full Mad Max: America. I’m guessing we’ll be following Keener from NYC to DC.
I bought the game a few weeks ago during GMG’s sale and have been wondering what took me so long. I skipped it initially due to Destiny burnout and the OBT turned me off. After following the game for a few years, and Destiny 2 being a bust, I figured sub-$20 for the gold edition was good enough. I’ve got about 100…