
I mean takeout from a sit down restaurant, not fast food. At those types of places it’s usually a designated waiter, bartender, or host who handles expo’ing the takeout orders. Those people are also usually underpaid, so if the order takes more than 10 seconds to check the food and make sure it’s right, or it’s done

Just do what I do; as soon as the cashier starts to retrieve your change, sprint out of the store. Saves you from carrying change and embarrassment.

Nah, I’m right there with you. I don’t tip in situations like this and I tend not tip for take out unless it’s a big or involved order. 

I’m confused as to why you’re referencing ME. It plays more like TPS Destiny: NYC.

The mountains of bodies in DZ09 didn’t make you gag just a little?  I haven’t seen much from TD2 that suggests it’s going full Mad Max: America.  I’m guessing we’ll be following Keener from NYC to DC.  

I bought the game a few weeks ago during GMG’s sale and have been wondering what took me so long. I skipped it initially due to Destiny burnout and the OBT turned me off. After following the game for a few years, and Destiny 2 being a bust, I figured sub-$20 for the gold edition was good enough. I’ve got about 100

You’re not wrong, dumb ass yinzers. At this point, I think a lot of the fans have turned on Bell for how he’s handled this. I will never fault a player for wanting more money, get it while you can, but the idiotic comments and rapping and suspensions, etc. have done enough for a lot people to say, “Don’t let the door

I’d say you have it backwards. The physical contact is much worse than calling him a bitch. I’m not saying that the name-calling is right, but coaches shouldn’t be roughing up players, no excuses. The most I ever got was a palm slap to the helmet for screwing up and made to run laps, maybe a face mask grab to get

Aaaaand, it’s gone.

Aaaaand, it’s gone.

He came up with a prototype that didn’t work so he shouldn’t have even tried? Did he have to plaster it all over social media? No, but that is the culture right now. Next time maybe he or someone else has a device that will help.

He tried something. The prototype he came up with in a few days time didn’t work. Maybe this spurs someone to come up with a device that will help next time something like this happens.  

Better than the “thoughts and prayers” most people sent.

Is it the best name? No. But that’s that they’re called and it’s time to get some Preparation H to stop the butthurt.  How are sport and game any different?  By definition, they are not, which someone already pointed out.  I challenge you to come up with a better name.

Rooting for BFV’s BR mode to be good.  I think DICE has the chops to do it well.

I’m a white, straight male and I care.  GTFO with that bullshit.

Huh, TIL.  Thanks!

Who would you take out for Alfie?

Lol. I guess you like that Kool-Aid, more power to you. Yes I hold a grudge that long, I still refuse to buy a Ubisoft game at full price because of Unity, same goes for EA after BF4's horrible launch.

the true best odo reading

They released on console well before the PC version was at an acceptable performance level. They added microtransactions and crates before performance was at an acceptable level. Many fences are still not able to be shot through from both directions, only one. There’s still issues with pop-in. There’s still horrible