I saw the Reddit thread and first thought, “Who?” Then went and read what he’s done and then thought, “Good riddance”. Karma gets it right sometimes.
I saw the Reddit thread and first thought, “Who?” Then went and read what he’s done and then thought, “Good riddance”. Karma gets it right sometimes.
Diggin the new album!
Isn’t there a PFA in place or pending? I don’t think judges will grant those with no evidence.
I don’t pre-order, but thanks for the tip. I’ll also play on PC, so it’ll just be a little ol’ download.
Send me your steelbook? Lol.
Missing the “fuck a coconut” one too.
Also, Respawn’s.
Humans had a legitimate reason to be afraid of rats. Rats carried the fleas that carried the bubonic plague. Now, one could make the argument that it was partially on the humans for poor sanitation and overcrowding. In modern times, wild rats still carry disease pathological to humans in their feces, urine, and…
MHW on PC in October too!
Hell, I’m a Pens fan and I’m happy for him. Wilson can take a long walk off a short pier, but Ovi, Backstrom, and Holtby deserve this.
ONE OF US! ONE OF US! Once you get 1440p at 144fps, there’s not going back. The only reason my PS4 gets turned on is for the exclusives and Netflix. Having an Xbox One is now unnecessary due to cross-play if you really want to use the Windows Store.
So we should all tip nothing and make the service industry workers suffer for the shitty practices of the corporations? I agree that waitstaff should be paid by the restaurant appropriately instead of the customers footing the bill, but don’t you think we’d see a rise in the cost of eating out (food and beverage cost)…
I think at this point the Hockey Gods are torturing Vegas. Give them an incredible first season, with a Stanley Cup Finals run, and make them fall apart with 4 wins to go. Instead of a record-setting (it still is, but would be so much better with a Cup) season, the Vegas fans get heartbreak. Welcome to fandom Vegas.
I’m still waiting for your explanation here. This isn’t bringing out more competition between Sony and MS, which when there are only 2 companies in the market; the competition aspect of capitalism doesn’t work very well with that small of a pool. This is simply who is willing to pay more to a dev/publisher so people…
If they increased the base cost now, sure they would. If they would have been increasing costs over the last 20 years or so, maybe they never would’ve had to.
I’m with you. I’d rather pay $80/game than all of this bullshit. My friends and I were about to reinstall BF4 and hop on and play until no one had the same expansions. I realize we could all just play the base game, but for expansion packs for game that is 5 years old to still be $15 a piece (or buy the still…
Yes, the blue 0.5 G2's are perfection. Most of my office now uses some version of 0.5 G2's now.
Uma Therman in this movie made 10 year old me feel a way I hadn’t felt before. I rewatched all of the Batman movies starting with the Burton films not too long ago. I stopped B&R halfway through and moved on. I couldn’t take it.
You can be polite and understanding and still preserve your rights. “I’m sorry officer, but without a warrant I cannot let you into my home. Those are mushrooms that are endemic to our region and safe to eat. I implore you to look up what psilocybin mushrooms look like on the internet as proof. I hope you have a great…
Steam Link has made this possible again! If I have more than 2 people, i run a HDMI cable to my TV. It’s not hard, Windows is smart enough to change settings around from your main monitor to the TV for you too!