
Yeah, it definitely hits its stride a little late, but man are those convoys a blast to take down.

Is it not possible for him to have misheard “ninja” as “nigga”? This is a rap song we’re talking about, the word is used so frequently I’m willing to give this kid the benefit of the doubt.

Gotchya. I guess the only reason they would be difficult is if you waited until the end of the game after clearing a lot of the map. I’m no trophy hunter, but if a game has grindy achievements instead of next to impossible timing, or super rare events, then I tend to at least take a shot at plat.

Ohhhhhhh. Those. Aren’t all achievements/trophies in-game? Too much use of the word achievement, haha. Those still aren’t all that hard to pull off with some effort. I started out playing the game to get all of them and gave up not because it was hard, but because I was getting burnt out on the game.

Are we still doing phrasing?

Maybe the PS4 trophies are different from the Steam achievements? Every single one is some sort of completion requirement. I don’t see a single “kill people certain ways” achievement.

A long play time required doesn’t make it hard. It’s not, “Get 100 mid-air headshots while playing the lute” like in some other games.

Also consider some QoL mods. Party-wide barter and persuasion make switching between characters less frequent, and less of a pain when an NPC starts the conversation when you walk into an area with your non-persuasion character. There’s one that grants Pet Pal to all characters automatically too; no wasting a talent

I got Mad Max on a Steam sale and really enjoyed it. It’s not a masterpiece, but it’s very fun and should be easy to platinum.

Man, I would love for my wife to want to play any sort of game with me. It’d be even better if she got to the point that she was beating me in games. Guys are friggin dumb.

What gets me is that the cyclists want to share the road, but then refuse to follow the same laws as cars. I see so many around town (fellow Yinzer) who pick and choose what laws they want to follow and when they want to follow them.

Wait, in all seriousness, it’s not OK for a non-black person to say the N-word while singing along to a song? The fuck? Non-black people should censor themselves when singing along with a rap song? That’s ridiculous.

Pretty much. Until they fix the loot, there’s no reason for me to go back. I already have all of the “best-in-class” for everything; since a few weeks after CoO came out. PvP is boring. How they managed to make a game with space magic boring mystifies me.

Nah, I’d rather it be a massive stroke leaving him a wheelchair-bound vegetable. His wife and their child will never visit him because he’s a vile shitbag (I’m guessing the older children will, except for Tiffany, because they’re equally as shitty), the nurses will spit in his feeding tube, his body will eventually

Never heard of it. Hellman’s or GTFO.

They never read the book and jump on the hate train just because? The book is no literary masterpiece, but it’s entertaining, just as I expect the movie will be. Can we not just be entertained?

I don’t watch basketball and haven’t played any past 14 years old. What was/is wrong with his shooting form?

One of my favorite bands! I just started listening to this album for the first time right before coming to Kotaku this morning.

Love me some John Scalzi! Stealing Trump’s Razor as well.

You Gotta Be Kidding, right? Winning the Metro means nothing, nor does winning the President’s. Let me know when Ovi wins a Cup and maybe that’ll be up for contention. Scoring goals =/= best player. The only player right now that can even challenge Sid for best player in the league is McDavid, and he’s on the Oilers.