
I’ve never played a Monster Hunter game, but I’m pretty psyched about this. Now just to wait patiently for the PC release.

He’s a noted D-bag in the Pittsburgh area as well. /r/penguins used to copy/paste articles from his site, which is not the best of practices. Instead of talking to the mods and getting those articles banned, he shows up in the sub, starts name-calling, belittling people, and generally being an asshat. I think he got

Now on to all of the enablers and co-conspirators.

Most miners underclock their cards around 30-40% so that they can run all of the time. Depending on the card this may or may not trigger the fans to start spinning. When a card runs all of the time, the only real wear and tear is going to be on the fans. If they aren’t running all of the time, risk is fairly low.

Woah that looks weird, haha. I’ll have to give it a shot I think. Thanks! PS- Eff Radeka and her Charm.

I’ve been toying with switching over to using a controller. Does it really work well? Isometrics are just so well adapted to KBM in my eyes.

Just wait until you talk to Gareth around that area. I don’t know how many reloads I did to try and get the dialogue options right until I gave up. Garth, I’m sorry bro.

She’s a minor and most likely listed as a dependent. Unless she has special paperwork in place her parents can just as easily call.

Lol. I agree with you. I’m not entirely sure how Philly gets blamed for PA going red, or why anyone needs that extra reason to shit on Philly. They give us enough reasons as it is.

I believe that, but what he was asking if having more blue in an already blue county would make a difference, which it would not.

Those areas going “bluer” would have had no affect. Keep in mind Clinton won the popular vote, but because we still use a system that was created centuries ago, the Trumpsicle won.

To be fair, Philly and Pittsburgh both went blue. It’s the Pennsatucky in the middle and outside of the major cities that screwed us.

It depends on time of day and day of the week. I’ve driven around NYC and DC quite a bit. Pittsburgh is a different animal, but I’d take driving into Pittsburgh from 15 miles out in 15-20 minutes during off hours over most other cities with better traffic flow.

Yikes. I have a colleague that comes in from Somerset everyday. She’s crazy. Like, why the heck wouldn’t you move closer to work? She doesn’t even ski!

By surrounding areas do you mean Washington and Westmoreland counties? North and South (in Allegheny cty.) of the city are a suburbanite’s wet dream, East and West are a little worse off, but still plenty of qualified people to work.

Number of victims isn’t the point. I think once you go over, say zero, it’s a despicable crime that I hope gets the abuser federal pound-you-in-the-ass prison for a long time.

Oh god, I just moved to the North from Monroeville so my wife and I could stop going through the SH tunnel, took an hour on a good day. Greensburg would be closer to 90m or 2 hours I would think.

Born and raised yinzer here. I seriously doubt all, or even most of those 50k people are going to move within city limits. They’ll go to the North or South Hills and make those commutes that much worse. The ones that do move to the city will pay the crazy cost of housing in Lawrenceville and some might go across the

You’d think, but Penn State still has a football program, so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯