
I too have no idea what this is.

I don’t disagree with you, but if they want to add more content, real content, they can charge for DLC on top of that. I would have happily paid $100 for the base game of Witcher 3, and $25 or $30 for each expansion because they are large and add quite a bit to the base game. $20 for a map pack can go pound salt.

You do you. I’ll just be over here letting trolls be trolls and laughing it off when people try and goad people into keyboard warrior bullshit.

I think you just need to not get offended by a stupid comment on the internet, which is clearly a joke considering its inherent hypocrisy. Turn down your internet policing and enjoy the ride bub.

If that happens, I pretty much move strictly to PC and wait for sales, and only buy used console games. I’d rather my money go to GameStop than greedy publishers/devs/license holders.

So, you’ve never seen Austin Powers?

I still have hope Respawn will live. Apparently the only reason EA bought them was because Nexon made an offer first and contractually, EA gets a chance to match or better the offer. I’m a huge Titanfall fan and I keep going back to the game because they’ve added so much and aren’t fracturing the community with paid

I would happily pay more base cost for games instead of shoehorning in MTX. The problem is that that ship has sailed as soon as the industry saw what a few whales can do for profits in the F2P and P2W realms.

There’s only two things I hate in this world, people who are intolerant of other peoples’ culture, and the Dutch.

Those are Doc Martins, not Jungle Boots...

Thankfully got my alt up high enough to be able to do the rally last night so I can get the sword for cheap (and promptly never use it)!

I’m not though. If I remember correctly, even Nintendo has said they aren’t trying to compete with MS and Sony, but are trying to exist along side them.

How so? Everything I’ve read concludes otherwise, as does MS’s own advertising. They’d get increased sales if they committed to focusing on games achieving 1080/60 rather than going 4k and HDR in both 1st party games as well as third. I don’t care how pretty something looks if it’s chugging at 20-30 fps.

As a teenager I think it is, or can be. It’s been clearly demonstrated that racism is a learned behavior, if everyone around you acts that way, odds are you will too. Teens are notorious for doing awful things just to fit in, just to be like their friend group, or to be like mom and pop.

How is that a fair comparison? The Switch is a brand new console with new games. The XOX is competing with a slightly older and less powerful version of itself and needs a high investment in home theater to make it worth it. The customers for the Switch and XOX are very different, as is the price point.

It’s almost like he served time for his actions and has stayed largely out of legal trouble since. But you’re right, someone from a broken home, selling and addicted to drugs as a preteen, makes some horrible decisions as a teenager (we all do, just not to that extent), and adjusts his life after, should be constantly

Sunset Overdrive looked interesting, but other than that, Gears of War. Check out The Uncharted Collection if you’ve missed all of those games. I played 1-4 straight and loved the experience!

Yup. I’m mainly a PC gamer at this point, but the PS4 is a solid netflix machine/exclusive powerhouse. I’ll take Uncharted, TLoU, Bloodborne and HZD over anything MS has to offer.

I only play with a squad or in duos. I die way too fast on my own. Squad play is a blast though.

Budgets for AAA games are already overblown, hence the additions of microtransactions to everything. I think the publishers and devs need to do some addition by subtraction. Shrink the teams, cut out some middle-management, get rid of some of the suits that don’t know the gaming demographic, and cut the budget. I’d