
If you won’t write out the n-word why write out the r-word?

Just because your hair betrayed you, doesn’t mean we will.

Neil Young 4 life

Because ~the city is magicccc~

7 bil.

Seriously, at least an acknowledgement.

Not all of us have diaper mouth? I say that as a brush first, then eat breakfast person. Scrub your tongue, you monster.

man that is some homerism

This has always been the dumbest take. Superman has been written interestingly many, many, times. He’s not invincible.

Surprises me. My dad was a cab driver in Miami and drove Lovitz around a lot. always said two things: 1) really kind demeanor 2) gay.

If you’re okay to diminish one, diminish them all.

The Heat did not fail. 4 straight finals, 2-2 is not a failure. No matter what the ill informed fan expectations were.

Yes. Seriously. How does anyone think this is a recent epidemic? Even if the incidents have gone up recently, this has been a serious problem for decades.


No. Noooo. No.

That’s the joke

“Nothing freaks out someone at a stoplight more than an old 40 something guy in a suit sitting in his BMW blasting black flag and singing along.”

I think everyone is articulating themselves very well, and you’ve done a great job at making me reconsider the way I think about my view on the “rape is about power” trope.

Would not giving a fuck about your wants or agency not kind of be a power thing? I feel like I understand what you’re saying, and agree it’s not 100% just “let me dominate this person.” But, not treating you as an equal human being and denying you your agency because he was horny is still about power. I think?