Agree that this is the weakest episode of the season. The characters felt more like caricatures and don't start to get filled out until later. Standard pilot disease of trying to cram in too much information in too short a time.
Agree that this is the weakest episode of the season. The characters felt more like caricatures and don't start to get filled out until later. Standard pilot disease of trying to cram in too much information in too short a time.
His paranoia may have been justified but he still let it ruin him. Plus he was being really obnoxious in earlier episodes about how he thought people weren't working enough around camp.
He doesn't have to reveal it publicly until he does it. That said, much like a hidden immunity idol, it doesn't help you unless you're able to figure out that you need it in a specific situation.
She might be kind but she's pretty self absorbed, which is why she's never had too many friends in this one. I think she just looks better by comparison to all the flaming doucheweeds.
They aren't allowed to share per the rules of the auction.
He constructed a pretty passable fake idol. It didn't work because he didn't know what to do with it, but it was somewhat interesting at least.
Yeah, maybe they just didn't have footage of Mike spying on them and cut in something else. I don't doubt that he was able to spy on them though.
The Dansplaining made him a run of the mill dick. Saying that a woman needs to be slapped is horrifying.
No. Colton was a titanic asshole, realized that it was a bad look, came back, and was a titanic asshole again.
Yeah, there are no confessionals where he says he's gonna go pick a fight between two people; he just goes out and does it. I'm not sure if that's because there are none to show or he's getting a weird edit. Assume it's the former.
Sorry for being dense, but it can be hard to tell with text.
I don't know if it's a sit back and watch approach because he seems to be stirring the pot whenever he possibly can.
Is 1) A joke, because that already happened?
I'd vote for Joe. I don't recall him doing anything deplorable.
Yeah, his behavior would suggest that his marriage might be pretty terrifying, actually.
What little we've seen of him would suggest that at minimum he's pretty strange.
Yeah, everyone who is universally likable is gone. Shirin may have been bullied in a horrifying display, but she's still pretty obnoxious. Mike set himself on fire with his paranoia. Dan and Rodney are pretty clearly misogynists, which is a word I don't throw around much. Everyone else just smiled and nodded while…
I thought it said that he has to announce it before Jeff says "I'll go tally the votes."
It's amazing that Rodney has become more likeable purely through Dan and Will acting like complete flaming a-holes. That alliance is totally deplorable, and looks highly likely to win, which is depressing.
The first episode was really trash but I thought it found a nice groove by the end of the season.