
That is great to hear. I would love to see something effective implemented in schools, though, since getting screened at the doctor’s office only works for children who do get regular checkups, and would probably be more effective in a school setting because of the amount of interaction between the child and

I think if he had stopped at just posting the lyrics, they probably would not have acted. But saying “I’ll tell you when” and implying that he’d already chosen targets is definitely a threat the police should take seriously.

Gun control and insurance and access issues aside, why are mental health checkups not a regular part of our encouraged health regimen? Like, you have to feel bad about your life if you don’t go to the dentist every 6 months, but we don’t care about checking to make sure that children aren’t depressed or homocidal or

Exactly how I felt. I was about to start rolling my eyes, but then my jaw dropped. It sounds like everyone is lucky the police took this seriously.

I am also torn on this. I feel like posting the lyrics to a song — even a violent song — should not be an arrest-worthy offense. And then this kid (and/or his dad) have to go make everything complicated by having a stockpile of weapons in a subfloor. What the hell, universe. Work with me.

I went to film school in the 90’s when indie films were *everything*, another Golden Era was at hand and every studio was trying to be next Miramax. Fast forward 20 years and the only thing that gets made is superhero franchise after superhero franchise. Oh you just made that film 3 years ago? Time for a reboot! It’s

And what happens when roles calling for non-sexualized characters of color DO crop up?

It’s time for more people to make films off the grid from this fuckin Hollywood machine. Troma style, B grade, low budget. There are hardly any American made romcoms starring people of color, there are very few films made here starring Asians that don't have something to do with martial arts. None of this is new or

I’m gonna say the same thing. However, my dad was a militant black man who encouraged me to interrupt and challenge. I fucking loved it. It pushed me to excel academically. I countered the teacher’s bs with my family’s personal experience and stories from the past. The reason my family lived where it did at the time

Yup. It’s why I HATED the Benedict Cumberbatch character in 12 Years. Even though he wasn’t out right brutal and didn’t think black people should be beaten into submission, he was still complicit in an oppressive system. He was not the “nice” slaveholder.

It got cancelled. Definitely not my thing. She only dated white men on the show. I don’t think her character ever even looked at a man of color much less an Indian one. You would think she would want to get at least one Indian male lead a break on her show but no. If you believe her characterization of herself in

Yeah I love that. Truth be known I soured REAL fast on Mindy. She seems very uncomfortable in her own skin. I watched about 3 eps of her show and her tone especially concerning Indians and most minorities made my skin crawl like listening to Dinesh.

Because any acknowledgment of any flaw, from our stark and heartbreaking racial reality to workers’ rights to environmental issues, creates an opening for left-leaning politicians (or even simply just sanity-leaning politicians) to propose solutions.

Can we please, PLEASE, stop saying that bigots are going to die off any day now? Slavery ended over 150 years ago and 2 months ago, some 21 year old asshole thought it was totally fine and dandy to kill 9 black people because he’s white and white people are still the MASTERS and since black people are subhuman

Admitting this would legitimize social and economic liberalism as it pertains to minorities. Otherwise, minorities are a bunch of lazy whiners who did not tug heartily enough on their bootstraps.

Because the people intent on ignoring it are really, really hoping for even the slightest opportunity to reinstate it and make it a permanent part of American life. Even though it flies in the face of decency, humanity and even possibility, it’s the grotesque fantasy they cling to in order to cope with their

Heh. See: Ben Affleck.

People don’t like to be confronted with the fact their great great grand parents were total assholes, and the fact that they prosper because their ancestors were assholes is a little off-putting as well..

because our belief that the United States was founded as a righteous nation founded by god to give light to the world kind of falls apart when half of our history centers around oppressing other people.

Good fucking gravy.