Mick The Nerd

…did you read the comic? That's a legit question.

*SNIFF* Okay two things he could've done:

Yeah he did, they LIED to him, is this Jesse had half a brain he'd use the damn word and tell the Seraphim to forget everything she saw WHICH is something he's capable of as shown before.

Yes because him listening to what other people say is TOTALLY in character for him, especially after the battle he just said "Fuck you, I'm keeping the voice because I think god wants me to!" and then later after Arseface RIGHTFULLY pointed out that what he's doing is wrong, unwittingly damned him to hell because he's

Understandable, I'm kinda on that route myself calling this version the "Earth 2" version myself.

*Stern Face* NO.

No matter HOW awesome that fight scene was, it WON'T make up for Jesse being the ass-hole supervillain he is in this piece of dick show. I want this Jesse Custer to DIE for what he did to Eugene, this isn't just any damn character who did this, this is Jesse Mother-fucking CUSTER! One of the most morally set

I'll admit this was one of the more interesting ones(especially the Quincannon scene) but…I have qualms, mostly what was all ready said in the review.

For me Comics Tulip, as she didn't try to electrocute Jesse into being her boyfriend again like a crazy person.

Straight up, he was pretty much the MCU T'Chakka of his day…only white.

It bugged me cos well…it sounded like she KNEW her for one, that's my main qualm. Plus, an uncaring prostitute? Really? I did not get that vibe about her given what Tulip's dad said.

UGH this show is SLOW! Why are they pacing it like this, this is Preacher not the…Walking…Dead…oh lord I should've realized with "Talking Preacher".

…*SCREEEEEEEEEEEEAMING INTERNALLY* yeah that's a high possibility.

Very true, it…it is torturous. Dear lord they made Preacher repetitive-WHAT THE HELL ROGEN?!

UGH-agreed on Tulip and Jesse, their chemisty is SHITE in this. Can we PLEASE get to the part of the story where they rekindle their love and are a bad-ass power couple? What's funny about this is that in the comics I was o-KAY with waiting for it because they had a good on-comic chemistry-HERE-nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnot so

This show took 4, 45 minute episodes to involve the main character with the main plot, while it took the comics one issue…said issue being 20 odd pages. WHAT THE HELL-why is this story so slow?! And do NOT say the run time, I've watched both Breaking Bad, and the en-TIRE televised Buffyverse, they could pace a story

I like this show…but its admittedly slow. Also Tulip looks a liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiittle too psychotic in this, in the comics she didn't hate on Jesse for giving up the life, but for straight up abandoning her. After they parted ways pre-comic, them reuniting was a straight up accident. In this, she's a psycho ex with a

I'm not doubting that…actually I kinda am, that twist was out of no-where and felt like a Deus Ex Machina-BUT-my major complaint with the twin thing is that they had BOTH Lucas Brothers, known for their dead-pan duo comedy, and didn't USE them! These are not just random twin actors, these guys are comic treasures!

Yeah, they tried a story arc WAY too soon, that should've been season 2. And while skeptical, I hope they learn from their mistakes…if they get a second season, given how bad the ratings are I here.

They have a show called "The Lucas Brothers Moving Company" and its hilarious….part of why I'm so MAD-that after the reveal they didn't have them have a hilarious conversation.