
That house must have been built by the same people that built the pyramids.

Is it really this easy for white trash to have sex? Why is the actor who plays Ian's face always so white? Please bring back Laura Slade-Wiggins.Think of a reason.

It looks like Daya's finally going away. God, she's gross.

I wouldn't be surprised if Chuck survives the fire.

I don't see Jimmy really caring about women that much. He's a law-nerd. The law and how he can mess with it is his forever lover.

In the 70s it was an even more extreme opposite of today. It was a "hallilujah" moment.

Between Beavis and Butthead, Office Space, King of the Hill, and Silicon Valley, Mike Judge has proved himself to be a national treasure.

Yes. "Silly" is exactly what I've thought about this whole season. And "silly" is the exact same thing that happened to Weeds after a few seasons. I think Kohan is good for short run things but when she needs to stretch things out, she gets silly. This isn't close to being as good as the first two seasons.

It takes less time to watch the actual show than to read one of Latoya Fergusons' reviews.

Welfare Queen is only offensive because welfare queens are offensive.

Great collection of no-talents who have duped white guilt 30-somethings into thinking that they have something going on.

Daya is just gross. God I can't even look at her. And yeah, the person who mentioned her getting to many storylines couldn't be more right. For me, that episode where she's walking around with a bloody ass did not help at all.

All AV critics whine. With Latoya Ferguson being the champ.

Yeah, but it's Mary Elizabeth Winstead.

The accents are closer to the U.P. of Michigan than Minnesota. They sound a little like a combination of both.


It was quiet, but one of my favorite lines from the movie "So yer sayin…..what're ya sayin??' was softly uttered by Nikki toward the middle of this episode.

I kept thinking that because of Phillips body language, he was going to kick the living shit out of Tuan. I was hoping anyway. I hate that kid.

Those kids, especially Henry, will NEVER make it in the Soviet Union. I hope the show doesn't move in that direction. In fact, the show being mainly shot as in Russia would be a really boring move.

That's exactly what I thought. And it would make so much sense. The girl has got to fucked up in the head that bad. And what a set of dominoes it would fling into motion for the Jennings.