
That was one big piece o' camel Dick!

Sounds like you need a spanking Pointy-Head.

I can't wait for Varga to sink his teeth into the neck of the asshole-smarmy-prick IRS agent. And he will.

I still can't find it in me to care about the "Breaking Bad"-ness this show is into and that will probably be it's biggest element as the show goes on. I was done with Mike when Walter shot him. So that should tell you how much less I care about Tucco, Nacho, Crazy 8 and the rest of them. No, they had an excellent

Don't blame the Baby-Boomers. Blame the assholes in the public schools systems, Mothers Against Drunk Driving, liberal governments, the media, and everywhere else who dictated to us how to raise you OR ELSE.

I lived there then. They didn't.

I don't think I've ever heard a voice who's ass I wanted to kick more than Hodges

In a dimly lit damp and dirty looking basement, I saw the most powerful wedding ceremony ever put on film. My heart raced through the whole thing. When this show is good it's off the chain.

The animated sections reminded me less of Don Hertzfeld than the animations in the great movie "One Day Like Rain".

it looked to me like lackey asshole Lyle is just super-on-board with Gus's sanctimonious-ness while two of the Latino employees wore a look that said they think their boss is full of shit and dirty as hell.

As long as there are tired hipsters, yeah.

"Or………..slave girls?" I had to rewind due to missing what followed because I was laughing so hard.

The fact that one of the blandest, both in looks and behavior, characters accuses Gus of not lighting her (Deidre's) fire is hilarious. It was meant to be a joke, right?

I hear ya. There were exactly 40min. between 2 shows devoted to those fuc&ing gas caps and Mike Ermantrout. And yeah, I hope Chuck gets in a mental hospital for this stupid and ill-advised "quirky" 21st ailment the writers gave to his character.

Like Fargo, this is going down. 40 min.between 2 shows devoted to Mike Ermantraut and his stupid gas cap. See, here's the thing, I don't want to see Mike. We already know about him and his characters handcuffed in this show. He can't get Tucco, Hank gets to do that, he can't get Gus, Walt does that, he can't get

Her ex-boyfriends nude pictures of her have already been outed, so she probably figured, "why the hell not?" I've studied her ass. I think it's her.

It's turning into a lot of hipster shit music video stuff. Wow. I never thought I'd be glad to see Scoot McNairy die, if he really is dead. I will keep watching though.Why? Mary Elizabeth Winstead, is ungodly beautiful. And what the hell was that song playing over the bridge tournament scene?

The worst thing about 30 is not turning 30 but leaving your 20's behind. It's scary and sad because you know you can't ever do it again and you have no idea what's ahead. Lena Dunham has shown this better than anyone I've ever seen.

Terrible. An Aminus?? Sitting through the gas cap thing was like a root canal. I counldn't care less about who's tracking him and I never thought I'd say that about Mike.In fact, Mike in this show is making less and less sense. His characters handcuffed. He can't kill Tucco. Hank does that. He can't kill the old man.

I think this season is about what an American family looks like when things go completely to hell. What was once an Bunch of NYC a-listers connected to big time Hamptons wealth has now turned into a white trash family from the Detroit suburbs. The mother, who's daughter is fucking a loser twice her age out of spite is