
It's because as an actress, Holly Taylor makes Tracey Gold look like Jenna Jamison. She's absolutely bloodless.. Possibly a religious freak in real life, a recent interview has Taylor going off about how under ANY circumstances, she will NOT be involved in any scenes that go beyond a simple kiss done with both

What? I've only watched each episode once but went over them with a fine tooth comb and I don't recall one single clue that Perry was Janes' rapist. Why the trip out of town to that guy's office. Why the smoke-screen search? I don't get it. Terrible flaw in a great series.

Expect a spectacular and shocking reveal about what Henry's been up to all these years. You could really feel it coming in this episode.

Hopefully she'll start studying for a way to take her parents down. With not much time left tin the series, hat would be the most exciting direction the show could take.

Thank god. it looked for a minute we would have to sit through another 4 minutes of Frank Langella eating. I dont know why they do this in so many scenes he's in. He looks pathetic and homeless over the plate like some guy from Dickens. It's awful. They even made him do it a lot in the movie "Starting Out In The

Its a fuckin tv show. Not a psychology lesson.

Pretty much. Yeah.

Underneath her exterior, Jane is unhinged and can only think of killing her rapist and it's something that hasn't just been building since the show started, but has been there since she gave birth. This guy is going down in a bad way. At least that's what I hope. And let's have the great writers of the show let her

God , I hope so.

So glad to see the bland-tino actor that plays Marco finally gone. Then again, we don't really know if he is dead for certain.Bloodline is a lot about what they don't need to me. They could and should have gotten rid of Marco a long time ago. His constant posturing got old in the first season. His visit to the high

The undying patriotism on both sides is starting to get to me where I really wish they'd both take a bullet to the head. Not because they're Soviets, Beeman too, all of them. Also, if they want me to keep watching, they'd better not seamlessly allow Paige into "the fold". I'd much rather see the opposite: Paige

Kristy Swanson was never hotter.

He's one of those old-school "America hating" Canadians.

There's an odd aura to all Scientologist actors/celebrities. They're all on sort of the outer talent ring (sorry, Tom Cruise isn't that good, just lucky) They're well known but pretty much B-list.

That redhead coke whore. DAYUM!!!

Barrett is the recipient of a role in a great show. She's not very good. She's an ex model from Austrailia that can barely hide her accent. She and her role remind me of Betsy Brandt in Breaking Bad. The show made her look good.

You get this from AV writers all the time. They expect Chinatown from shows like Scream Queens. Who cares about Aguirrers wife? She's a victim of abuse and a cover up. That's all we need to know. And why in the hell is he/she bitching about Meg? Linda Cardellini can read a gum wrapper with her hair spilling to one

Falon has what I call fist face. As in, a fist would look really good there. Your basic Mass-hole rich boy who uses his TV ambition to convince everyone that he's a great musician who just took a left turn. He never misses an opportunity to grab a mic next to Paul McCartney or especially someone he can use to show off

The girl who plays Sabrina has a gorgeous mouth

Who cares? SNL has been aimed at silly high school girls since the beginning. My question has always been; who tha' hell is home watching TV at 11:30pm on a Saturday?