
it’s time for dick.

these are the most honest answers. at least you girl KNOW what an orgasm is, and you dont have to conceptualize or interpret feeling good as orgasmic.. hahaha, being dilusional to interpret orgasms that aren’t orgasms is even more detramental than not cumming.

you’re not. lesbians fake orgams so much they gotta write articles about cumming so their gf’s dont get pissed or aware they suck at sex.

they say straight women fake orgasms less than bi or lesbians.

what? you mean fake an orgasm? men dont need to do that.

theyre the most confused.

this man speaks the truth

that would be true, but in a relationship with 2 women, thats twice as many chances of faking an orgasm... hahahaha

its too bad lesbians statistically fake orgasms more than heterosexual women, so this kinda makes the poll bullshit.