
Ya fuck that dad for getting a small fraction of what his son was bringing into the school/NCAA. How dare the Newtons profit, only coaches and presidents and execs should make any money.

You think he’d murder 4 people?

I for one want to send my congratulations to that prison cell.

I could throw a ball over them mountains.

Fuck cancer

Fuck that noise. I'm trying to pad my INT stats. Especially if I'm some fifth string WR or RB. Then all the announcers will be on my dick talking about my intangibles and shit.

Naw. I was there last night. He actually got a ride from Nick Savan’s daughter. Possibly her roommate too.

All of their bank accounts are talented. But ya they sef should have been saving dimes.

Sounds more like your brother sucks at recognizing talent.

Man, anyone can hit it 500 feet. If he were a real catcher he would hit .210 and throw people out.


I am going to miss this series. It's the only basketball I can watch. Just incredible kids with too much class to dunk.

Slowly rotting most likely

I hope Papi disowns him.

There was this guy named Bonds. Far superior to the Kid in douchecanoeness as well as baseball.

How's it feel to be an idiot?

So you were in prison from 97-07?

It's because Joe Finn is a bigger douchebag than Piazza.

Things I learned today: Drew eats too much oatmeal.

Not the only thing hovering around half in this story.