Mick Molte

Yeah, exactly. I have no idea what the hell is wrong with the cussing moron in this thread who keeps demanding “evidence,” or, for that matter, what the hell is going on in the lead paragraph of this article.

Big CP on the new poll.

Go for the down payment as long as your debt to income ratio is good. If your debt to income ratio (with the theoretical new loan, not your current one as a renter) is say 38 or 39% or above try to get that down to the low 30s or below ASAP. Once you’re there max out that down payment.

Oh my god just crush the poor thing

Yeah, that’s the context that’s missing here. Boston talk radio is no doubt a toxic cesspool at the bottom of a toxic swamp, but there were years—like 10 or 15 years of this, going back to viscously beating up girlfriends while in high school—of Jared having a get out of jail free card based on “DO YOU KNOW WHO MY

+1 more year 

Your lips to god’s ear.

Exactly, on all counts. I mean that Boyle quote is obviously—like, OBVIOUSLY—talking about the alternate reality of the movie, rather than the reality in which we live.

Your lips to god’s ears my friend

Not a prob. Just take the Gremlim and rear end the Pinto.

BRB buying green sheet

Lol, yeah, you’ve got it tough too my friend. My comment was written thinking about my ‘64 Volvo Amazon, which shares a surprising number of part numbers with some of the most valuable Porsches in creation. Though if you really drill down on how the individual circuits in some random relay work maybe you’ll get lucky

So true. The worst is when you’re looking for some obscure NLA part (condensers being a perfect example) and the Bosch part number interchanges with a Porsche part and now you’re stuck bidding against those deep pocketed jerks.

We need a name for used cars that look clean but are full of secret problems. For a new car, that’s a lemon. What about old stuff?”

I had one with the stock 4.3 and a five speed. That thing—with a fraction of the power of this thing—was plenty squirrelly in the rain. Good little trucks though. NP from me for this one, if you’re the rare bird who’s into little trucks with way too much power.

he sat on the toilet...taking a Jeter”

Yeah, all of this, plus figuring out if it’s wearing a diesel fender because it’s been wrecked. If you know 124s you know there isn’t nearly enough info in the ad to decide on NP or CP. It could be a very NP at $2800, and it could just as easily be a CP at half of that. Depends entirely on the details left out of the

Yeah, I just checked my local CL and the depreciation was worse on a whole bunch of ~$25k 2011 vehicles. Jettas for one. Holy moly those things are cheap cheap cheap. Kias too. Seriously impressive depreciation on those bad boys. 

Next person who wonders what’s wrong with either A) Democratic politics, or B) Gizmodo Media Group should have this piece of garbage printed out and stapled to their forehead.