Mick Molte

I think that’s a great point about Donny Two Scoops (and let’s be fair, many many other GOP types) constantly bringing her up. They need a boogeyman to feed fear to their base and they had Obama for eight years. Now what? Gotta plug someone into that role, even if they’re just a private citizen. Benghazi!!!

While I think you’re right that it was a bit of a BS move by Tuukka, I’m in favor of anything that leads to a proper melee like that.

None of those analog clocks pictured above are big enough. That aside, as an old Volvo lover I’m glad they’ve come back in style. Need to make them bigger though.

That’s a great image. In my brain I added in a twelver of The Champagne of Beers tucked under one arm, but maybe he stops at first instead? There’s a quote of his from years back, too lazy to google it, but the gist is “I’m just a Miller Lite man, always have been, ever since I was ten.”

Goddamn it Gina, you just gave me a Tim McCarver flashback.

When your car finds out out that you’re secretly a cat.

A guy in my town has three of them, two red and one gold, and he’s painted the hubcaps red/gold to match as well. I met him once when I was considering buying a w210 e320 off of him. He preferred the Geos to the Benz which he had only bought as a temporary highway cruiser. He’s, um, eccentric.

Wild speculation on my part, but I’d say add a zero and you’re real close. For it to get settled this quickly I’m guessing the offer was very generous as far as these things go.

Pretty sure that’s written down somewhere in the unwritten rules.

Well, see, your take is a reasonable level-headed one. At the time the Shaughnessys of the world were apoplectic that 1) the Celtics gave up that Nets pick for anything, 2) that they gave away IT with one cheap year still left on his contract, 3) that they had to include another draft pick once IT’s hip nearly blew up

Yeah, at the time Danny Ainge got absolutely killed for that trade. Even with Hayward’s totally lost season it looks pretty good in retrospect. Crazy stuff!

Trashed talked god’s mom?

Yeah, I’ve shut up about discounting what other people have experienced. It was absolutely not something I believed in, let alone went looking for, but it for sure happened to me and if it can happen to me it can happen to anyone. The house was haunted, unmistakably so, simple as that.

Yeah, me too. I’m as skeptical as they come and didn’t believe in any of that sort of thing.....until I lived a year in a house that was absolutely, 110% no mistake about it haunted. It was back in my 20s and I had lived in probably about two dozen houses by that time. This one house changed my opinion about a bunch

Speed holes. Duh.

“There’s only so much time in any given day.”

That’s a heck of an effort but I wouldn’t touch it with a 10 foot well insulated pole. CP at any price above scrap value.

1) Yeah, it’s a peck/boob.

It was a one in a million shot, doctor.