Mick Molte

I’m just gonna go find a cash machine....

Well, whatever. I assume there’s not video of this little incident? Okay, good. And he wasn’t involved in a complicated scheme to slightly deflate footballs? No? Great. And he stands for the national anthem? Yes? Excellent. Okay, I think we’ll just have to not jump to conclusions and allow the due process system time

Mother in law has a newer Odyssey that we borrow every once in a while. Can confirm that removing the seats is a massive pain in the ass. Stow and go or go home.

Pretty sure it’s a graph of my daily sobriety.

You’re thinking of the now defunct national 55 limit. That was born out of the ‘73 gas crisis.

Fellow Cviilian (well, Western Albemarlian) here. What I don’t understand is why the city council is fighting this out in the courts in the first place. Memphis laid out a perfect blueprint on how to deal with this crap. Find a rich (i.e., lawsuit proof) non-Nazi (lord knows we have plenty of them around here). Form a

That’s my problem with JLaw and why I’ve got this negative judgment of her. She has this massive platform now and she’s doing this totally disingenuous “eww gross!” thing. She could go out there and be like “look there’s this terrible game we’re forced to play and I’ve played it and won but I hope that real societal

That’s very true, but the problem with it is where does it leave someone like Rose McGowan? Maybe she should’ve had the career that JLaw has had? I honestly don’t know what to think about it.

I mentioned it in an article about her yesterday right here on this very site and got tore a new one for not being feminist enough. No doubt I could’ve phrased it better, but still some people just did not want to hear it. At. All.

Nah, it’s that the $50m lump sum one time MLB thing is this year, and this is the last year of their old TV deal. Then next year their new TV deal kicks in and that gives them an additional ~$50m/year over what they were getting under their old TV deal. I had to read it twice too :)

The only thing I have them on is a 5x10 open trailer. Maybe $50 up front instead of getting a real plate, then maybe another $50/year in property taxes? It’s not much, but I’m not trying to run a big scam here.

In VA I can literally buy a farm tag at the local hardware store. At the DMV I check a box pinky promising to use the vehicle under certain restrictions.

She’s gone from skipping a bunch of grades and graduating several years early with a 3.9 GPA (lie) to dropping out at 14 and never bothering with a GED (truth).

“The Bootleg Series Volume XXIV: Love and Theft: Every Goddamned Outtake We Could Find.”

You’re relying on the same argument people used to defend Weinstein for decades: “just rumors...no proof.” Again, this is an open secret in LA. You’re free to not believe it if you want, but I’m done here so I’ll just say godspeed and good luck, fellow internet commentator.

Lol, no you are 100% correct, total brain fart on my part, and if there’s an accidental joke in there I wouldn’t be clever enough to make it. Crazy thing is I just saw A Christmas Carol live not two and a half months ago (at the American Shakespear Center of course....) and read it to our daughter several times before

That’s a pitch perfect response, but the wild thing about it is once again Shakespeare was really prescient.

What? This is an open secret in LA, just as much as Weinstein being a decades long serial predator was an open secret. She chose to play his game and got extremely rich and famous thanks to him. 100% guaranteed fact, photographic evidence not required. Her success before Weinstein took a fancy to her was TV roles and

Say what you will about the tenants of nationalized socialism, but at least it’s an ethos Dude.