
Physical acting is one of the most difficult things you can do. Have you recognized Doug Jones in any of his many roles without dialogue? No, you haven’t, because he’s damn good at what he does. Same for Mayhew. The way he moved informed the character. And I highly doubt you could do the same, much less stumble,

“major reforms of the agency’s use of science and economics,” 


Why yes. Yes, I do.

Zack Snyder be all like:

So you’re saying The Empire committed Geonocide.

Well, wouldn’t that constant torment and suffering strengthen his tie to the dark side? Much like Kylo Ren hitting his wound to strengthen himself, Vader living in the place where his life was ruined would make him very strong.

Because we all know that Death only plays...soul music.

Or perhaps the Julius Caesar route. I can see Lindsey Graham trying to stab him on the floor of the Senate.

The scary thing is that Obama’s handing over a relatively healthy economy, low unemployment, and stabilized participation rates. Donald Trump will try to take credit for it, and might even succeed. Obama’s at his highest approval numbers since his first term and the Democrat still loss.

They tried that against now-Congressman David Trott in his first run...it doesn’t matter.

This woman and her husband just about literally own the GOP legislature in Michigan. Never has there been a more singular destructive force in Michigan politics as the DeVoses.

I thought you meant Cyrano Jones Tribble coat. Love them deep pockets

Actually, research shows that term limits do nothing. You get the same politicians in office, only now they are more inexperienced and dependent on interest groups and lobbyist for information about the complex issues they face.

Wouldn’t an Oscar make him an even more rare PEGOT, since he also got a Pulitzer this year?

The issue is this: if the men are still living, you could individually go back and say the prosecution was wrong an illegal.

I wish you could go to Lego and order any set by number. Like go into there and punch in 6894 to order that set, no matter what year it was made they’d get the set out to you as it was when it was created.

Yeah, there was one in Jessica Jones - it was when she went to get Hope out of the hotel.

I get that dunkey tries to show how dumb people are for telling others what they should pick (they are), but honestly, I’ve seen it time and time again that my team loses the match because we have ranged-defensive characters as the attackers and capturing the point doesn’t work well when you have the half team