
What can the music live for, if not the care of the Reaper Man?

I second this. White Donkey and Terminal Lance are amazing and I’ve followed him for years. I’m not a veteran, but the artist is *amazing* at making you understand his characters and cohorts and their lived-in experiences as daily existence.

I am a fellow Michigan Dem and I would like to second your comment. The 1st (lose by 15) and 7th (lose by 15) districts were blowouts, the 8th was a misfortune (lose by 16), and yet the 11th with a non-Anglo candidate and zero national targeting beat them all with a lose by 12 points. Surely this is well beyond

I’m proud my parents chose to raise us in the Unitarian Universalist church, because every time I dig around in feminist/anti-fascist/gay rights/civil rights history, there’s always a few Unitarians standing up for what’s right. We are not many, but we have had some amazing people share our banner.

Now that sounds like a great porn parody series for the upscale consumer. “Fucking Tess of the D’Urbevilles”, “Fucking Jane Eyre”, “Fucking David Copperfield”, the titles just write themselves!

Being a white wizard? *ba-dum-tsh*


Yeah, being in law school, eesh there is “fair” and then there is fair and it seems like every day is an attempt to acculturate me towards the former.

I think the ambient lead hypothesis gets far less attention than it deserves.

Annie’s Boobs: So well known, they got their own spin-off.

It always reminds of an in-universe Klingon comment, that Starfleet captains are unpredictable in battle because they’re all so different. And it shows in the characters: Janeway is a scientist, who can’t let the opportunity to explore the Delta Quadrant go to waste. At heart, Picard is a diplomat, Sisko is a builder,

I would expect (though I have no particular experience working retail) that the reason is the major urban locations have a bit more padding to their cost/benefit calculation of unionizing.

Do you truly think the FEC is going to rule on the fiduciary status of Reddit Gold in time for the election?

I’m pretty psyched. Was before, still am.

As a Michigander proud of our native sons Campbell and Raimi, I respecfully disagree.

Yet one more astounding misstep from the Class of 2010. This nonsense in Florida for Rick Scott (Gov-R-FL). Rick Snyder (Gov-R-MI) and Flint. Sam Brownback (Gov-R-KS). All of the madness of Scott Walker’s administration. (Gov-R-WI).

We have term limits here in Michigan. The legislature’s lower house is clearly where it has done the most harm. And they have done a LOT of harm.

Yes, we know who you are.

Seeing this game break so frequently has quite deterred me from purchasing it.