
Being a white wizard? *ba-dum-tsh*

Yeah, being in law school, eesh there is “fair” and then there is fair and it seems like every day is an attempt to acculturate me towards the former.

I think the ambient lead hypothesis gets far less attention than it deserves.

Annie’s Boobs: So well known, they got their own spin-off.

I would expect (though I have no particular experience working retail) that the reason is the major urban locations have a bit more padding to their cost/benefit calculation of unionizing.

We have term limits here in Michigan. The legislature’s lower house is clearly where it has done the most harm. And they have done a LOT of harm.

Yes, we know who you are.

Seeing this game break so frequently has quite deterred me from purchasing it.

I dispute that. Cell-mode was an amaaaazing spectacle for me and friends getting high in Wes’s dorm room.

So if these real Americans can defend the nation with bare, bloody, calloused hands, then why do they need guns?

Do you think this is something due to general animus or ideology on Alito’s part? Or just his distant remove from the realities of actual case law and immigration proceedings at this point in his career?

Me too! I hope your water’s not poison and your snow-ice-slush is manageable.

Having worked in the political sector, I think that’s the most succinct I’ve yet seen such a situation described.

People forget, India’s a big place, with a whole heck of a lot more history than America. Stars for knowledge.

Legalize weed!

See, no, just no. The Midwest, A.K.A. the Middle West does not include the Dakotas. Dakotas are the West. West of what? The Mississippi. As you so aptly demonstrate, you already have a region, the Great Plains. Leave us out of your flatland kung-fu drama.

You mean a grand jury?

Maybe it’s a Typhoid Mary situation where it’s mutated so that she’s an asymptomatic carrier?