
I’m a big Soma fan. It’s about as pricey as VS but actually fits and lasts FOREVER. I have a singular pair of VS sweatpants from high school that somehow still fit even though i’m about 80lbs heavier since then. I refuse to throw them out but I also refuse to spend $60 on a bra that barely fits and the underwire pops

Girl, SOMA. 

They would NEVER do this in a white suburban neighborhood. Also, for officers to not even acknowledge her as the homeowner, to try to communicate with the male and to undermine her as the name on the property, that’s sexist as hell.

Dammit, you right. My b.

Shakespeare got it wrong. Hell hath no fury like a *white dude* scorned.

I am ALL about Sansa being Queen of the Seven Kingdoms. I’m over Dany and Jon. Kinda wish they HAD died this episode so the rest of the season was a true crapshoot for us lol

Ghost is alive if you peep the trailer for next week’s episode! I went through a lot of emotions after this episode.

I don’t even recall either of their legal teams TRYING to have the media banned from the courtroom. They’re all garbage people. 

Who is saying he’s our only hope? Our best chance would be age limits on presidential runs. I don’t want anyone over 60 in charge. There’s no guarantee that you’ll be around long enough to suffer the consequences from your actions, in my opinion.

Yes!!! The soundtrack is PHENOMENAL! That mixer did a wonderful job. 

I didn’t even get a romance vibe from it. It was a reminder that they’re both survivors of the same abuser. And now they’re free together. Albeit, likely going to die, but still free and currently alive.

Thinking about the way How I Met Your Mother ended always fills me with inexplicable rage

I think it was determined that he could NOT block users off the POTUS account, but he is allowed to block users from his personal account.

Because Washington state and Washington D.C.-not enough. What a fucking moron.

Cool, nifty, you’re brilliantly aware of the root of the problem. Businesses aren’t required to adequately pay their servers. However, since a majority of us aren’t writing legislature, just fucking tip the 20% and move on with your life. Jesus. 

This was one of the most wonderful and engaging pieces of journalism I’ve read in a long time. Not just on Deadspin/their sister publications; but generally.

Hold on, 1) pretty sure Issa Rae is bisexual as fuck. 2) I’m bisexual and think she’s absolutely stunning and I’m a *little* bummed (albeit thrilled for her) about this news 3) I would feel the exact same way about Brie Larson or Gal Gadot.

-conveniently forgets all white people who votes the same way as the darn tootin’ minorities

Do it and drag them.

Americans: Yeah, would’ve ended up all fucked up because we are, in fact, also all fucked up.