Michel Lichand

Gotham not reminding us the show is a Batman prequel every five seconds? Inconceivable!

Who Framed Roger Rabbit. Animation has gone through whirlwind after whirlwind ever since the last movie came out. We've had the rise of TV animation, the CGI boom, the fall of hand drawn animated movies, the invasion of animation from other countries- be them Japan or France- and so much more. It's time to get another

Todd, pointing out nitpicks is the point of Cinema Sins. They've admitted so several times.

-eyes slowly widen with realization regarding the Gremlins interpretation-

Yeah, it's Edgar Wright's passion project, but it's also been his passion project since 2006. The moment I heard Ant-Man was next and saw people geeking over about how long we've been waiting for this, I was like 'wait, aren't there gonna be any changes?'

I really want to know what kind of inside source do you have that you apparently know that Disney is the evil queen in this story.