
Pulling you out of the greys so your comment can get some replies because it’s an interesting point, so please don’t hate me for pointing this out: Deprecating. Depreciating is what cars do when you drive them off the lot.

As someone who wasn’t crazy about the idea of doing a wedding-wedding but is doing it anyway, for a variety of reasons - look, we can’t always get the chill backyard paper lamp-lit commitment ceremony of our dreams, ok? I made my peace with doing a wedding-wedding because, well, my parents and extended family would be

Do watch it, it’s great. The acting is great and the characters are complex and compelling. It’s not Lifetime being Lifetime, it’s Lifetime trying, and succeeding, to be something that's not a joke.

Harrison doth protest too much.

I agree with the LuAnn here. (Really, everyone should.) This is a total NBD. This scenario of drunken hook up stays the night plays out across the US (and I expect most of the developed world) every night. You know what you do? When he wakes up and gets dressed, you hand him a cup of coffee and ask if can call himself

It really bums me out that Bethenny wasn’t there for this.

“The other guy” is my favorite thing about Shawn.

I just have to believe that Nick is one of those awful guys who has some unexplainable physical magnetism in person? Like every part of you knows that he’s terrible but for some reason, you still want to fuck him. Who hasn’t been there at least once?

I don’t judge Kaitlyn for having sex on her own show...I judge her for having it with NICK and his smirky disingenuous body language and his dirty cardigans and ill-fitting skinny jeans and hideous checkered blazer. Meanwhile she has a whole line of attractive dudes waiting on her who look like they actually shower

Now that is real emotion. No thought went into that goofy shit.