Michelle Kirkwood

There were independent women like that in real life back in the '40s—-they weren't all housewives and good little girls all the time,even back then—in fact if you watch both 1930s and '40s films, especially film noir flicks, the female characters tend to be very strong,clever and independent for most of the time,

The fact is, black actors/actresses and actors/actresses of color don't get the same opportunities to act in most genre films that white actors normally always do. That's already a known fact, and has been for decades. And you obviously didn't know that, or you wouldn't be talking such ill-informed nonsense. Do the

I am not a racist idiot with lame stupid jokes. And, no, I didn't get the satire, so I apologize. I'm just so used to seeing so much racist BS directed at black folks/people of color in general online, I over-reacted.

No, you just don't have any taste in good TV Drama, that's all. There's nothing about it that is mediocre whatsoever. Obviously you didn't watch it, so be quiet.

American Crime is a damn good show, and you obviously didn't see much of it, to think that it isn't.

And you sound like a racist idiot with lame, stupid jokes.

Red Tails was a decent, fun, and entertaining movie. Tired of people acting like The Tusgekee Airmen is the only good movie about the subject of black fighter pilots during World War II. One needs to ask why Hollywood hasn't bothered to make any films on that subject in particular—-mainly because they're still stuck

Actually Zero Dark Thirty is the least jingoistic of the three—-it manages to walk a nice line without being that, which is what I liked about it.

Yeah, that's got to be the craziest AB show ever—I mean, Lydon's just literally pulling people onto the stage, and didn't even bother trying to lip-synch to his own songs awhile—-I liked that second one. Always loved the catchy and fun to listen to "Rise"—-I think that's the closest PIL ever got to a hit on the U.S.

Also, Like A Stone and I Am The Highway were the songs I liked best off of Audioslave's first CD—-the former's very beautiful and sad.

Scream was a big departure for Cornell from his usual style, but it wasn't a surprise since he said he had wanted to do an R&B CD a couple of years before that.Plus he's got a soulful and awe-inspiring voice,regardless of what he sings. I admire artists who are brave enough to step out of their comfort zone and try

Nice,genuinely creepy song,too, but then most of Roxy Music's early music was nice, weird, experimental and creepy.

Nice,genuinely creepy song,too, but then most of Roxy Music's early music was nice, weird, experimental and creepy.

That's wasn't the point. The point is, once again a movie set in a predominately non-white area only focused on the white characters as more important as usual. It did look like a good film to watch, though—-I haven't seen it yet.

She's black, white Latina and Syrian, BTW.

Not all Arabs consider themselves white, especially in the Detroit metro area, where they have a long history going back just over a hundred years or so. Depends on who you talk to and which country in the Middle East they're from, I guess.

Saw Nostalgia at a theatre when it came out, and yes it's remarkable. Even though I've seen pictures of stars and space all my life—-I was still mesmerised by the look at the sky in the film, and the pics of the stars—-it was very beautiful. Beautiful and sad film, and quite an echievement

Yep—that's how the order goes.

Blade 2 was off the hook—I liked it even better than the first one—-it seemed more inventive and more fun—-to me,anyway.

Hey, 50 Shades of Grey was actually shot very beautifully, regardless of the hate it gets,lol.