Michelle killerbee

Watch the show

The whole time I watched the series I thought, "something just isn't right about this show" and I read your comment. BINGO! I think the show wants to send the message that people should take care of others and be conscious of their actions. However, in the end the show excuses suicide. This show should have a mental

I came here to take this show to the woodshed then I read the comment section. Good job guys!
*packs up and goes home*

True, that's why I don't subscribe to any monotheistic religion. They are all complicit in this.

their main conflicts/ adversaries never materialize organically. They are always a direct result of something someone did without accounting for consequences. I hate that. The story just goes on and on without resolution.

I agree! I was just thinking that Stefan's character hasn't offered anything interesting in three seasons or so. Maybe he will turn evil again or better yet, just kill him off. I wish this show lived up to it's potential, and I have been waiting for a t least 3 seasons now.

I put my money on Adam being the kidnappers' son and he is sick enough to groom his own kid. I think the sister killed the real Adam.

The opening music of tho s series makes me anxiety ridden! I think that is a testament to the show and the writers' ability to build drama and tension. The reviewer is right on the money with the capital T truth theme. I can't wait to read what you have for next week.

Tell em

Oversimplification is a tool of the lazy minded. I'm performing menal gymnastics because I use nuance when discussing an issue as weighty as race in America? I don't see Aaliyah as racist and I don't think Barb as just this terrible black and white racist. I have to admit that I don't really understand Barb's

It goes far beyond color . I never mentioned color in my response/interpretation. If one culture is believed to having subjugated another culture it is the power dynamics of that relationship that is the issue , not the race that compose that dominating culture. I'm just telling you where her character is coming

I don't see Aaliyah as a racist. I know that is what the show tries to convey but Aaliyah subscribes to an ideology that is rooted in post colonial theory. The way she sees it, black people can't truly be free until they have a complete break from the domiate culture. That means taking on a new identity, name, and

I think the reviewer misses the point. Hector is not successful because of his isolation, but because he plays the game. often times it is not about justice, but the narrative prosecutors can string together. He is the only one who gets that out of the entire show.

Yeah .. his rage radiates and I completely understand where his is coming from.

Yeah, he wants the best for his kids, but he hates who he is and they can see it. His self hate almost cost him his son. You think our justice system cares that Alonzo has all the right intentions and followed all the rules. They had their own story, took what they could use, and discarded the rest. If your child is

Alonzo infuriates me. I'm still made at his ignorance. Yeah tell the cops what they want so we can go home. .. it's past dinner time.

agreed! But I think Carter was waking up to it slowly. You could tell he wanted to get off the ride in the car to Canada. How someone could be so reckless with their own live is beyond me. Yeah I'm good to follow you to Vietnam and whatever