Michelle Janine

aaand if you wanted to avoid shopping at the mall all together, you could check out the Women, Action & the Media (WAM!) auction I volunteer for: https://www.biddingforgood.com/auction/item/b…
All are unique and feminist-y items and go towards WAM! which fights for gender equality in the media <3

The one that the inmates named Pornstache is the CO Mendez who does rounds etc. the other guy who has a mustache is in management.

wow I didn't consider it that way, and I definitely didn't think I could see this as even worse..

I've thought about this for a looong time. And I have to say..that although I STILL disagree with his stance, it is far more hypocritical and telling to give a disclaimer for abortion in re to rape.

Hello fellow Rhode Islander! I think it was especially unfortunate it happened there because that cafe gives off friendly open hipster vibes, so it felt a little more shocking to me that it happened there.

this. this. this. Thank you for eloquently stating what I've felt and thought the past couple years (I'm 26)

haha! no! me too! I thought people were crushing up legit bath salts and snorting them.. so I guess that shows how far out of drug culture I am lol

@rodmanstreet: awesome! that comment made laugh out loud.

@not_a_virus.exe.vbs: They do. Any advertising she is in, they photoshop her thumb, which is actually called a clubbed thumb, which a lot of people have. And your comment is very much so ... not nice at all.

ugh, I was *just* having this conversation with my gf. it's unbelievable what people consider to be acceptable small talk, acquaintences and family seem to be the worst culprits (in my life anyway). I agree with what some people said below: I don't think we should be commenting or asking questions about another

@mich7988: exactly! I was trying to type a response and I couldn't even flesh it out properly. My impression is that lesbians "can't" be sluts because queer sex doesn't exist/isn't "real" sex anyway. If only lesbian sex was real, THEN we could be called sluts too!

@poodlescoot: "Just like there is no evidence that 12-step programs are more effective than someone quitting of their own volition. (Most evidence (30+years of it) points to the fact that if someone makes up their mind and "goes for it," they are much more likely to stay sober just by "doing it.")"