
Do you not have public interest standing in the US?

Fidel was flawed

23 years later and we’re still remembering some rando who got his dick cut off. Incredible.

“I don’t know why it’s bad to admit that you are affected differently when you realize it’s someone you directly love” ... lack of empathy maybe?

It’s really amazing seeing the progress made from the perspective of cases at the ECHR involving Turkey. And how, after all that progress, we’re now pretty much back to where we started in Aksoy v Turkey in the early 90s.

I’m so over his concern for the white people.

Internet anonymity seems to bring out the worst in everyone, myself included, so thank you for being very reasonable. Enjoy the rest of your weekend.

I agree in part with your post too.

I think that a lot of people are very racist, yes, but I don’t think that means that people who aren’t are powerless to do anything about it.

You don’t think the majority of the country is racist? My bad — I was probably imputing an opinion to you that I’ve seen repeated again and again on here and in print media. Apols.

Not calling out/ignoring racism is a proud white tradition, which is a huge reason why we’re here in the first place.

but I think that showing people what acceptable society looks like by refusing entry to racists will make an important statement.

So the whole “out of touch” thing means that the only thing the Democrats were out of touch with were middle-class whites (since the voting shows people making under 50k went Clinton

verbally lynch us.

so-called progressive white Jezzies stop coddling your Trump supporting relatives and loved ones and express your disgust?

I also want to point that once again, Clinton *beat* Sanders, so the idea that the DNC “chose” her is ridiculous... unless you’re saying that the majority of Democratic voters are somehow out of touch?

he would have lost. This election was not decided by whether or not the Democratic candidate was good enough, but by a lot of angry people who would have elected a ham sandwich if the ham sandwich told them that all their problems were caused by people who didn’t look like them and he, the ham sandwich, would teach

Furthermore, those issues everyone supposedly had with her are the *exact same issues* that Trump has, only Trump has the added disadvantages of no experience, horrible temperament, and that whole racist/sexist thing. THAT is why people say the dislike behind Clinton is sexist, because she was being judged on a

Whereas it seems to be that Clinton supporters are totally unwilling to accept she was a weak candidate. People didn’t like her because they’re misogynists!

Oh fuck off; yours is such a needlessly stupid and venomous response.