
I’m not a motorcyclist. I don’t give a shit what may kill you. Perhaps that’s a lesson you’ve already learned as a renegade two wheeler. You rebel, you.

My god...what an utterly predictable response.

But non-prick driver code is to let them in if they signal. I’ll block them all day if they can’t give me the courtesy of a signal, but if they signal, I’ll let them in. If you don’t, you’re a dickhead.

That first girl who jumps in is my new hero. She just swallowed her fear and went. Fuckin’ BOSS!

I know its just a dead fish, but that top photo really makes me sad. A misunderstood man-shark’s lifeless limp body...poor guy.

Nice! I get to watch two assholes on their youtube channel! The chefs must have been lining up to have you visit.

Free shirt, dude. It goes with the pajama pants he ALWAYS WEARS.

That’s SO Stoughton.

As an old man (42 in 2 weeks!), this whole thing is hilarious to me. I downloaded the game to see what all these people wandering around were doing, and it just seemed kind of pointless and boring. Now people are expending anger on this. What a waste of energy.

That, and maybe a few trips to the gym. Hey-oooo!

I hate/love that kid. I’m a fan of anyone willing to go straight up asshole on the grandest stage.