Michel Hardy-Vallée

It also gave us PAW Patrol… Skateboarding dogs doing extreme cool stuff with lots of tech? Check. Whitified punk theme and reggaeish transitions? Check. (rastafy it 10% more, please!)

That's what I heard too. But you just gotta be brave and remember where the hospital is. Some suggest gradual levels of exposure: first just have them in the room, then let them touch, smell, and eventually taste bits.

Yeah, one day he expressed curiosity and we just ignored good parenting advice on allergens and choking and said to hell with it, it's good proteins. Almonds and cashews, mostly, now peanuts (which are legumes, as we all know…) We just never stay away more than one inch from him when he eats them.

Oh yeah, I'm sure your two-year-old kid is as easy to please as is mine. If it's outside his comfort zone (which is admittedly large: nuts, cheese, sausages, couple of veggies, most fruits, all the grains, pastas and breads), he'll go apeshit. Tortellinis, sure. But don't throw any tomato sauce over it. Coupled with

Jeez, I can buy horse meat at my boring, suburban supermarket in the sprawl around Montreal. Nothing to write home about.

Atwood herself said it best: "It's not _just_ a feminist story." I think
the story also achieves something we are not used to see: a female
point of view as a universal condition. When you think of it, the
"universal" characters we are used to, such as Ulysses, Jesus, or
Leopold Bloom are all male. In Western culture,

Call me shallow… but it's Bourdieu 101. A.k.a Distinction.

Anybody sees echoes (er, premonition, or influence…) of the woman in Chris Marker's La Jetée when looking at the close-up around 7:38 ??

But LA Woman…

Glen is Mark Frechette from Zabriskie Point…

The Bag Man…

Whither Truffault and Godard?