Is not about the features, is just change the way the same information is shown, it shouldn't affect battery consumption.
Is not about the features, is just change the way the same information is shown, it shouldn't affect battery consumption.
I’m proud of my 180 hours “or more” in Xenoblade chronicles 2, sign of a good investment.
I think the functionality i miss the most, is the ability to see proper usage statistics (like in the 3ds), at least something more useful than “Played 180 hours or more”...
I completely agree, it really feel like it is a step back in terms of playability, fortunately is a demo and if they receive enough feedback they can still fix it.
I’ve just picked it up for my switch after years of neglecting on my steam library, and they just launch this update.
In my opinion and personal experiences, the pro controller as good as it its (really comfortable, nice touch on the buttons) it has two downsides:
In my opinion and personal experiences, the pro controller as good as it its (really comfortable, nice touch on the…
I think is really commendable how they managed to “humanize” Emet Selch (not an easy task being an ascian) which helps to make him one of the best antagonists not only of the Final Fantasy games, but recent media (in my opinion at least).
I would have enjoyed so much, but I had to watch it, God forgive me, with dub at 4 Pm.
I mean, cosidering that porting a game uses way less resources (time, people, and money) than developing a new one and that there is a lot Lot of people who couln’t play it when it came out,which leads to the fact that the second best selling Switch game is a port from the Wii U.
I think that after “that” the final battles are the most fun of the game, and their music is awesome, so yes, is a chore, but i felt rewarded once it ended.
I think is going to be In April, which can’t be soon enough.
Even if its sad, is not a dealbreaker to me, is a “Strategic turn-based combat” so is not like it would affect gameplay.
I don’t have problems with fan service as long it’s on a show where that’s one of the main draws, like Keijo, a show about girls hitting each other with their boobs and buts (a show, wich by the way, i ejoyed way more than i would like to admit) but if we are talking about your average school anime (like Asterisk…
Maybe a little late, but if you want to know more about the incredible redemption of FF XIV a Realm Reborn Ican recommend you enough to watch this documentary about it.
I’d never played on a PS4, but from what i’ve heard is not bad (but the framerate suffers when there is a lot of people).
Besides loading times and more stable fps (if you have a decent PC) there is none, you can even plug a keyboard to the PS4 if you want to type.
But you have to keep in mind that PS4 and PC accounts are different, if you want to change your plataform, you will need to buy the game again.
For the love of god, if you want to watch it, skip all the filler (there is some is decent, but is mostly atrocious)
The gameplay is more refined, so are the graphics. The only thing i personally miss is the soundtrack, is not made by Revo and even if not bad, is not as good as Default’s (in my opinion)
when this came out in the second season of sidonia, i didn’t knew what it was, only that it looked awesome.