Said the same thing in a reply a few posts up... WTH? That show is perfection
Said the same thing in a reply a few posts up... WTH? That show is perfection
Friggin PISSED about The Leftovers
YES!! Can you fucking believe it? I’m a labor and delivery nurse... the shit i’ve seen...
It’s been an incredible week with them!
This week my daughter had her Senior Prom and High School Graduation (must be capitalized, I’m sorry). She’s only 16, an incredible artist and got a $20k scholarship to Parsons. But what am I most stoked about you ask?
A lot of bikes have both (clips and straps)
I’m probably getting my period right this second, but now I’m all teary too. You matter to your readers so very much.
God gets all the glory, none of the blame! Fucking killer gig if you as me!
I’m going to think about this story a lot. You sound like you’ve made a lot of great choices as a mom.
When my son was diagnosed with Fragile X Syndrome, I heard Big Al’s voice in my head speaking the words he told Oly when Chick was born: “Go ahead and love it anyway”. That book, that fucking brilliant book!
Every year. Sometimes twice.
I don’t mind a little pissed-off-ed-ness, that’s normal. I’m not sure mean is ok for me when it’s supposed to be funny
I LOVED the first season... couldn’t watch past the 2nd episode this time, round. Rob Delaney’s character has (what I perceive) as a mean-streak that freaks me right the fuck out. Does it get better?
It’s so bad. This one is hurting so bad
He did a super solid for a friend of mine, a really amazing friend of mine. He’s a good dude.
My kids kick major ass
Thank you for that, internet stranger :) they are pretty fucking killer kids
She just turned 16!
Just finished up dancing my ass off to the whole “The Very Best of Prince” record. My kids left a wide berth (though my youngest let me sway him around the room a bit during “Purple Rain”) until the end and they all kinda huddled around and took some seriously sweaty hugs (then the oldest poured me a glass of rose).
I can handle the internet ( I think ). I’m not looking to excuse him. I hope his punishment is swift and appropriate. Just looking at it from all angles— well, as many angles as I can from the news story. It fascinates me what moves a person to become so ugly. I often say: Assholes aren’t born, they’re made