

EXACTLY the point I was trying to make... the elder was too generous to be unkind, hence the head pat.

The language, the mythology... mesmerizing. My husband worked on a TV show with the Lakota a few summers ago and he asked one of the elders if he’d talk to him every night so he could fall asleep to the language and the sound of his voice. Apparently he smiled and patted my man on the head.

Hear on the news this morning that the reason why this artist and those as prolific as he (like Picasso) fetch the highest prices (as opposed to art from someone who produced to a lesser degree, like Van Gogh) is because they allow collectors to have many, many works from the same artist. That there are enough of them

oh. my. god.

Looks like I wanna eat a bag of Doritos in it and rub my belly

I’ve been a nurse for just about 11 years. Ive only ever worked in the Maternal Child Health space. When I was still a graduate nurse I was hired for a full-time L&D position and I never looked back.

God gave her the gift to teach... clearly they can work something out

Jesus H. Christ on a popsicle, this needs a NSFW tag!

I would die. I would feel so much that I had failed my child in some horrible way if this happened to one of my kids and I wasn’t there to stop it.

Shea butter on my white girl hair? I don’t think my mousy locks could handle that... But It is the only thing that MOISTurizes my skin in the right way. Been using it for 25 years (I old person)

And lo! Those most wicked among us will be given an extra Manhattan, straight up with those crazy good cherries they have at The Campbell Apartment. AMEN.

There are the risks of surgery, open cavity at that. Infection, intra-operative complications... definitely a mitigating factor.

If ever, oh ever, a face there was

I can confirm this practice exists. And not only in SOCAL, it happens in upstate NY, too. Usually women from Arab countries in my personal experience.

You are giving the Foo Fighters waaaaaay too much credit

All states have at least a religious exemption for non-vaxxing and some have philosophical exemptions as well.

They were deposited into the toilet (I labored on the toilet A LOT) and the ones that came out while I pushed were cleaned up and tossed into the trash by my midwife/husband friend. Not a big deal.

If my husband and I happen to be in the same state/bed for any length of time, we endeavor to have sex EVERY DAY. No way does that happen, but we want to and we talk about it. I've been banging the same dude for 16 years (quite happily) and it's no simple feat. In fact it may be the hardest (ha!) thing to maintain in

A few years ago we did this at the hospital where I worked in Poughkeepsie, NY. A dissecting aorta ain't no joke.