Michele MacKay

It is so painfully obvious they are trying to make Felicity less likeable and Laurel more likeable, including the not-so-subtle ploy "well they like Felicity, so if we make Felicity like Laurel, then they'll like Laurel too."

I'm still weeping like Randy recounting Toy Story 3 over Enlisted. And The 100 has been gathering dust on my DVR. Guess I'll have to watch it now.

The awesome finale made me realize Enlisted demystified amputees through Cody, as it did for PTS through Pete. Cody is just a normal, caring, competent CSM and Dad—no matter how many feet he has. The way they handled the fake-foot jokes just removed any squeamishness about amputation. So it's an even bigger shame that

I keep saying it's the best comedy since M*A*S*H (which is my all-time favourite show.) Enlisted really needs to be saved both for those in the military and us civilians. It could really help bridge the divide, for example what it did to debunk the overused and destructive TV trope that veterans with PTS are a

I read that, but it was in a total puffpiece that kissed Reilly's feet, so I wasn't sure how much credence to lend it. But in my comment, I blamed the "FOX suits" because I know it was more than just Reilly. But in any case, even if Reilly did have a change of heart at the very end, it was too little, too late. Had

Smart and insightful review, Les! If only the FOX suits had been half as smart and insightful, they wouldn't have buried Enlisted before ever giving it a chance to live. I agree, former FOX prez Kevin Reilly really did not get that a comedy could have conflict and depths and still be funny. He said his problem with

It's also specified Reacher has next to no body fat, so that could factor in. I say this as not a specialist in large men, being a small woman. But just comparing it to big men I know the size and weight of, Jared Padalecki is 6 foot 5 and weighs 220 pounds, and he is big and brawny through the chest, but slim

It's also specified Reacher has next to no body fat, so that could factor in. I say this as not a specialist in large men, being a small woman. But just comparing it to big men I know the size and weight of, Jared Padalecki is 6 foot 5 and weighs 220 pounds, and he is big and brawny through the chest, but slim

Jared Padalecki is a million times better than Tom Cruise. His acting certainly works for me. I would've suggested him, but I think he's a bit young to play Reacher. (But he'd still be a million times better than Tom Cruise.) Also, I'd rather keep him on Supernatural.

Jared Padalecki is a million times better than Tom Cruise. His acting certainly works for me. I would've suggested him, but I think he's a bit young to play Reacher. (But he'd still be a million times better than Tom Cruise.) Also, I'd rather keep him on Supernatural.

The novels specify Reacher has a 50-inch chest. He's not just tall, he's big. Big enough he picked up a 7-ft, 400-lb man and dropped him on his head in Persuasion. (I'd like to see Tom Cruise try that move.) For comparison, Adam Baldwin is 6 foot four and 240 pounds. And he ain't lanky by any means, he's huge. Baldwin

The novels specify Reacher has a 50-inch chest. He's not just tall, he's big. Big enough he picked up a 7-ft, 400-lb man and dropped him on his head in Persuasion. (I'd like to see Tom Cruise try that move.) For comparison, Adam Baldwin is 6 foot four and 240 pounds. And he ain't lanky by any means, he's huge. Baldwin

Don't mind me, I'm just going to roll around in all the snark inspired by the worst casting in the history of casting.

Don't mind me, I'm just going to roll around in all the snark inspired by the worst casting in the history of casting.